Disappearance in Scotland

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Dr. Ross Geller the renowned paleontologist went missing in the Grampian - mountains, in Scotland on 19 July 2019. Dr. Geller was there to take part in an important research and to prove that a lot of dinosaurs lived there 65 million years ago. Her wife, Rachel reported her disappearance. He used to call his wife and her children every evening, when he got back to the hotel, but on Friday he didn't call them. First his wife and family didn't get nervous, they thought that Ross just became very tired and went to bed early. Next morning his wife decided to phone her husband, but Ross didn't answer. When she called the hotel, the receptionist told her, that Ross had still been out of the hotel since the previous afternoon. Rachel called the police, but they said that they couldn't do anything, because he hadn't been missing for 24 hours. After this, Rachel immediately bought a planeticket and flew to Liverpool, then she travelled to Glasgow, where the research center was. From the Liverpool airport she called Ross' colleague and best friend, Ben. Ben told Rachel that he hadn't seen him since Thursday evening. After having dinner together, they went back to the hotel together and Ross told him that he would go on a hike. But unfortunately he still hadn't come back. Rachel asked him to meet her as soon as possible, and they could start searching for Ross. On Saturday morning they talked with the police and started searching for volunteers who could help them to find Ross. The disappearance of a famous paleontologist became a very big and important news item, a lot of people came to help and find Ross. That afternoon people scoured 5 different cities. After the 24 hours had elapsed, the Scotland Yard detectives could start the case and the investigation. The principal investigator was one of the well known detectives in the UK and around the World, Hercule Poirot. Poirot began the investigation by hearing the witnesses, like Ben and Rachel. After talking to them Poirot went to the research center and had a look at it. He found something important, Ross left his important things there, he only took some paper, water and some food with him. Poirot found out that he left a message in his hotel room, he planned to spend 2 days in the mountains and search for new information. After finding out what had happened, Poirot asked the voluntary groups to go with him to the mountains. A few hours later they found a little house, near a lake where Ross probably spent the night. Poirot went in, but he only found just some notes and a map. The map was definitely drawn by Ross and it led to a waterfall, where he might have found something. Poirot went to the waterfall, but he couldn't find anything apart from some footprints, which meant that someone was there. While Poirot and some of his colleagues were investigating at the waterfall, a man joined the volunteers to help find the missing man. Poirot and his group visited all the places that they found on the map, but unluckily they didn't find any clues apart from the footprints. The footprints led around the places, but at some point they disappeared. Poirot had to go back to Rachel and Ben and tell them that he couldn't find anything yet, but he would keep looking for clues. He decided to speak to the volunteers and tell them they would continue the investigation the following day and he told them to go home and rest. When almost everyone went home, a woman came to Poirot and said to him that she knew where the missing guy was. Poirot was shocked and he didn't understand what she was talking about. He asked her to tell him what she knew, and the woman pointed towards the other corner of the room, and Ross was actually there and he was drinking tea with some of the volunteers. Poirot immediately went to him, and asked him what he knew about the disappeared man. Ross said that he didn't know very much, he just joined, because he wanted to help. After this, Poirot told him that he was the missing man and they had been looking for him all the time.

Just an essay to my English teacherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora