Chapter 2 You Monster!

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I couldn't cope with all the noise! I had to investigate so I snuck out the front door as quietly as possible and went next door. I knocked on the door hearing a grunt and the sound of a door being slammed, Connie opened the door slightly "What do you want?" She asked sounding annoyed "I came to investigate all the noise" I replied "Hmm...well alright"
She said blankly, "Can you come in, I wanna show you something" she asked, "Well I guess if it's quick.." I replied suspiciously. "It's in the basement" she said with a smile, I looked at the steep stairs feeling anxious about the situation, Just as I was about to say something I was pushed down the stairs breaking my ankle in the process "Oh dear~ you seem to have broken something~" she said still smiling I knew it was a bad idea coming here "Let me help you with that" she said STILL smiling she then aggressively snapped my ankle to the side causing me to yelp in pain "Hmm this'll probably hurt more if you struggle so if you would be so kind, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STAY STILL!" She was really angry now, Was this it? Was this how I was going to die? "I'll take you to the shop ok?" She said randomly, I nodded not wanting to anger her more. Before I knew it I was in a bag being carried to where I assumed was the shop, "We're here!~" She said in a sing-song voice as she took me out of the bag and helped me up "I thought you wanted to show me something in your basement.." I reminded her "Oh I was being a dope and forgot that it was here" She replied, She's going to murder me, LITERALLY, Maybe if I tell her I like her she'll spare me "Connie..I know I just met you but....I really like you.." I made it sound really believable hoping she would spare my life "You do?" She asked surprised "Mhm..." I replied, "Well...let me show you the thing I wanted to show you!" She said with joy "Alright" is she going to spare me? Will I live? What is she gonna show me?, those questions ran through my head like sound waves, She took me into the back room which contained..."!" There were body parts and organs EVERYWHERE including a head with multiple holes drilled into it's head, I instantly puked, Connie had a disappointed expression "You don't like it?!" She asked clearly upset "YOU MONSTER!" I screamed at her "I thought you liked me..." she said with tears in her eyes SHIT I FORGOT "I-I do!" I yelled "Really?" She asked with hope "Mhm" I replied with a fake smile "Well..tell me Kormac....would you die for me?" She asked with a blank expression "Of course I would.." I can't believe I'm about to say this..."I love you..", She began to chuckle, "Then PERISH!" She grabbed a chainsaw and rammed it into my stomach with a grin. "Love hurts Kormac..".
Chapter END

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