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Chapter II

Night has already fallen in the neighborhood. The sound of laughter and talking that filled the house earlier has already mellowed down as the sun sets and gave way to the moon. The sound of a movie being played has now been replaced by the sound of a piano piece reverberating around the house.

《Beethoven - Pathetique》

A lone figure that cannot be seen by naked eye is sitting on the roof of the old house while gazing at the moon, deep in thought.

It has been the longest day of his life as far as he can remember.

He feels strange.

He is suddenly feeling warm.

The emotions that are stirring inside of him when he listened to the two living person talking, when they argued about what to do to keep the upper floor breathing, when they stayed at the upper floor till they reached a consensus... everything... all of it... feels strange to him and he doesn't know whether he likes it or not.

He knows he still doesn't like the change.

But he is trying to be accommodating towards the two living persons, especially towards the person named Boun.

Bosston is right; he has been waiting for this, to have people living together with him in the house. Yet when it finally happened, he found out he couldn't accept it.

"Hey, Fluke!"

The sudden appearance of his tiny twinkling friend cut his train of thought. He slowly blinked as Earth continued circling him at the same time complaining to him.

"Fluke! Why didn't you warn me, there are people inside your house?! I almost entered the house shouting your name! Thankfully I remembered you do not have this kind of music! Wait, you do not have any music at all! Except the big box you call tele-something-for-the-vision. And I can't believe there are two of them inside your house! What if they have seen me?! Fluke! I can't believe I almost bloomed your flowers to surprise you! What if they haveㅡ"

"Calm down. I am getting dizzy. Stay. Good boy."

Fluke's mellow voice stopped Earth from panicking, and made him halt on his pacing. Confused with his words, Earth flew closer to touch Fluke's face.

"Good, I can still touch you." Earth murmured and added in a worried voice, "and I can see you. But why do I feel something is wrong with you?"

"Old friend, the people in the house right now are the new owners of the house." Seeing Earth's happy reaction, he sadly added "Why cannot I feel happiness on having them around though? Both you and Boston are happy for me."

"Oh, so it's like that." Earth slowly replied. Tilting his head, he added "It will take time for you to accept them... to adjust to them. Because Fluke has waited for decades, it is understandable to be confused and afraid at first. But Fluke, do not be discouraged! You have already taken the first step; that is, you did not throw them out. Instead, you let them in your space."

Fluke intently listened to Earth's reasoning. The other has a point. He has taken the first step.

He let them in his space.

He let Boun in his house.

He let Ohm in his space.

He understands that Boston will be coming more often now than before to look after him and to look after Boun and Ohm too. Fluke can't deny that he is going to need Boston too. He needs the other's guidance on what to do and what's not to do now that there are other people who would be living with him in his – no, not anymore – in the house.

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