Chapter VI

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Inside a simple looking and warm house that is clearly well-maintained, an old woman is singing along to the gentle lullaby playing from her old stereo.

"You are still listening to that song, grandma?" She suddenly heard the voice of her grandson, disrupting her singing, a wide smile forming on her face.

"Boun! You visited me!" The old woman happily said with her arms wide open, waiting for her grandson to reach her. She is old already, she has an excuse not to stand from her rocking chair.

"Yes, I am here to reorganize the house."

"Nevermind. Go back wherever you come from, Sir. My house has been rearranged by my grandson thrice already. I have had enough of him doing it, goodbye." The grandma said, gesturing for him to go away instead.

Boun laughed, hugging the old woman who hugged him back. "Four times grandma. See? You are showing your age already." teased the grandson.

"I am old, you ungrateful grandchild. Why are you visiting grandma just now? You haven't visited me for months! Are you that busy, huh?! And where is Ohm? Why is that kid not with you? Aw! What am I going to do to the both of you? Now that you have your own lot and house, grandma is not priority anymore!"

"Stop whining, grandma~ I am here, aren't I?"

"Right, why are you really here? You can't just be here for me. I bet there is another reason why you are here. Wait, are you telling me you have a girlfriend now? And you want my approval? Oh my God! Why am I just hearing this now?!"

"Grandma! That's not it! And I don't have one!" Boun loudly said, whining at his grandma as he hugged her again. "I am here to look at your album. You have one right? The one where both you and grandpa were still young and still living at the house you gave me."

"I don't know what you areー"

"I saw it already grandma. I just want to see the pictures. Uncle Boston said, both grandpa and grandma tried to replicate everything to keep the memories and everything intact. But because Ohm and I made the renovation with our vision in it, I want to see how much we changed it. I just want to see the original house."

Sighing, the old woman reluctantly nod, pushing her grandson away. "Alright, alright. I have one. You can let me go now."

"You love it when I hug you though." Boun cheekily replied, squeezing his grandmother one more time before letting her go. "You can stay seated. I know where it is. I discovered it once I rearranged your things. And I was the one who put it somewhere safe."

"What? I changed my mind! That box has many secrets!"

"No need to get flustered grandma~ some of the things in there, grandpa has already shown it to me and Ohm. Did you know he was boasting it to us?"

"That old man! Did he really have to boast to his grandsons?!"

Boun only laughed at her, going to the extended living room that he added to his grandparents house. The extension is mainly for the things that his grandparents display. His' and Ohm's pictures are also displayed there. A wedding photo of his parents are also there, a picture of them when they graduated was also displayed there. Even the picture that they took with his grandfather at the hospital was also put in a frame and displayed on the wall.

Taking the box from the upper cabinet, the first thing that Boun noticed was how it is almost the same with the box that Fluke owned. He suddenly feels heavy knowing he is going to get answers now, knowing he is going to learn things from the past.

Sitting cross-legged on the carpet, he opened the box. It is easy to open the box, it doesn't have any keys at all. Boun was taken back to when his grandfather was still alive when he saw the things inside the box. Nostalgia engulfs his being as he saw the letters that his grandmother has written for his grandpa (the letters that he boasted). The letters that his grandpa has written for his grandma are also there. A framed photo of them when they were young, and a framed photo of his grandparents with Fluke on the porch of the old house.

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