The grave

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It's started just like any school day except it was the last day of school before everybody graduated. Everyone especially the professor and his wife were saddened by ash's absence on this special day. You see Ash was pronounced dead about a year ago during a major ultra beast attack and was trapped in an ultra wormhole.

Today instead than school work Kiawe, lili, Sophocles, Lana and mallow were getting ready to visit ash's grave along with professor Kukui and his wife professor Burnet.

When they all got there there was heaps of flowered and notes from his friend from all the regions he's been too big that wasn't the thing they noticed first. They saw a girl. She had short honey blond hair and wore cute Kalos fashion clothes. When she heard step coming towards the grave she turned to look at Ash's classmates. Tears streaming down her face she forced a smile.

"Are you friends of ash too?" She asked between sobs.

"Yeah and you?" Kiawe asked.

"Yeah, we traveled all over Kalos together. I loved him, he was so nice. Always supported me during my time as a Pokémon performer. I still perform but it's not the same without him cheering me on." She paused "he was so energetic and optimistic, not to mention he was a great leader and never gives up."

"Yeah, we understand how you feel, he was a great trainer so kind and loving." Sophocles sadly stared at the grave. The unidentified girls blue eyes glistened in the Alola sun.

"So who are you?" Lili asked

"I'm Serena, I'm a Pokémon performer."

"Oh! I remember you I saw you on TV but you had long hair then!" Lana smiled.  "Who's your partner?"

"My partner is Delphox." She took out a poke ball and her Delphox came out.

"What's it's type?" Lana asked.

"She's a fire and psychic type." Delphox looked at the grave and cried. Delphox missed ash and knew the pain her trainer was in when she found out about his death.

"Why don't we all get malasadas ash loved those." Professor Burnett recommended.

At the malasada shop they all shared their favorite memories of ash. The two professors also told about how ash lived with them and how Ash was just like their own kid.

Soon they all parted ways and went home but when Serena got to the hotel she would be staying at they didn't let her in so she called professor Kukui and Burnet.

"Hey, I know we just met and all but I have nowhere to stay could I stay at your place for a few days?" Serena kindly asked.

"Sure sweetie!" Professor Burnet answered and have directing to their house.

I know a short chapter but I'll be posting another today hopefully you enjoy I found this plot online but am making my own twists to this and making it my own sorry if you had already read one like this.

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