Chapter 1: Trouble on the First Day

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The alarm went off on my phone telling me it's time to get up, but hey! I need my beauty sleep too. I hit the snooze button three times before I rolled out of bed. Besides it's the first day at school.

'I should be excited right? Not'

I slipped out of my pj's and headed for the shower. After 13 minutes in the shower, or by my terms 4 Katy Perry songs, I finished up.

When I was done drying my hair (which actually takes quite a bit of time) I got dressed in the clothes I carefully picked out last night.

My outfit was, high waisted shorts with a simple graphic tee and comfy sandals. As for hair and makeup, I somehow managed to tame my hair into a ponytail and some mascara, concealer, blush and lipgloss seemed to make myself presentable. Nothing too thick, because let me tell you California weather is hot.

I quickly grabbed my phone, backpack, lunch and binder noticed that it's already 7:35. I looked in the mirror and thought to myself:
'Damn girl u looking good'
'What the heck Lea, no one says that!'

After stopping the conversation that I was having in my head I saw a note on the fridge saying:
"Have a great first day honey! love you xoxo."
~Mom & Dad

I quickly grabbed a banana and raced out the door, can't be late on the first day right? Checking my phone and seeing that it's 7:40 I rushed out to my car and drove to school.

I pulled up to school and parked my car. Sadly almost all the spots were taking so I had to walk now, I know what your thinking:

'Wow she's lazy' But I don't want my hair to frizz up because of the humidity.

Girl problems 'sigh'

I own a yellow Mini Cooper, my parents gave it to me for my sweet sixteen. Since they are always at work, my little brother and I have to pay the price. I guess it was out of guilt but I'm not complaining.

The warning bell went off just as I enter the school. The halls were crowded with students rushing to their lockers or class. I spotted Tegan and Emilija waiting at my locker.

"Hey guys!" I said cheerfully before noticing neither of them looking one bit happy.

"You were supposed to car-pool today!" Tegan yelled.
Emilija looked at me with angry eyes.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry guys I totally forgot I was so busy getting dressed, but how did you manage to get to school on time?"

"Lucky for us Tegan's mom gave us a ride but you better not forget next time." Emilija said suprisingly calm. "I won't, I promise."

"We're late for English let's go" Tegan said just as the bell signaling the beginning of period 1 rung.

We took our seat at the back of the class just as Mr. Scotts walked in.
'Phew close one'

He introduced himself but honestly no one was listening except for the nerds up front.

Mr. Scott hands out worksheets telling us they should be finished by the end of class.

I started working on it when I felt a hand tap me on the back. I turned around to see the one and only Dylan West sitting behind me with a smirk on his face. I looked at him, but all he did was stare into my eyes.

"Jeez I need to stop fantasizing and get back to work."
Just as I turned around he tasered me right in the neck! I squealed loudly before slapping him hard in the arm.

Our little fight was interrupted by Mr. Scott's "ahem" He then asked "Is there a problem back there?" "No" I replied sheepishly looking at my feet.

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