Chpt 1: The beginning (prologue)

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Falling, it's a matter of when it happens and how. When the truth is you don't know when it happens or how, it just happens..



I loved a girl that struggled a lot with herself, but to whom this may concern she lied. She lied, but every word she spoke melted into my ears and heart like a sweet poem or song, she knew what she was doing and how much trouble it would cause yet she was so innocent at the touch. I was there the day she died. It wasn't a murder, and it wasn't an accident either it was a suicide. She died being the person I loved more in this world or I thought...


I watched her carefully as she stood in front of me. "I don't want to hurt you, I need you to be safe." She spoke softly her words danced with the noises of the city. "You don't need to worry about my safety." She shook her head stepping onto the railing of the bridge I stepped closer to her scared she might just fall back before I could reach her, "Please get down from there y/n, if safety is what you need we can move far away from here just please step down from there." She sobbed as she shook her head at me. "It's better this way okay. I promise." She closed her eyes falling back as I ran to her. I hear her exhale a sigh and before I could reach her she had fallen into the river. "Y/N!" I quickly took off my sweater and jumped into the river to save her.

"Y/n!" I dived to go back underwater but she was nowhere to be found. She left me...


To whom it may concern she lied through her smile and so-called innocent eyes. She lied with the passion of love but the thing is she never lied to me, every word that fell from her lips was the truth the way she showed truth until the day she left. Yet that night she fell into the river she lied. Then I question did she always lie or was that the only night. To whom it may concern she was the love I never wanted to lose but lost when the wind took a deep breath and blew like nothing before. I lost her to a cold river on a cold night, I lost her to the deep blue and the splash of white. I lost her to one that reflects the sky and the city light. She was gone before I could say I love you, yet to this day I visit that river to throw her favorite flower in there sometimes just to talk.

She lied, she lied, she lied, she lied, she lied, and she lied. She stood on the bridge while my heart stung with pain, her eyes filled with tears, and the fake cry she gave. Again she lied, to whom it may concern those tears were fake that night and they never look so real. She fell off that bridge without hesitation as if she's practiced or pulled the same stunt before but how can a sixteen-year-old fake her life more than once. She must have practiced before she did her stunt, I want to give her a standing ovation for the performance she gave because she was an amazing actor.

You know how I know she lied and why she lied so freaking good because here she is standing right in front of me as the empty hall of the busy building echoed at the sound of her heels.

"Y/n, or is it Irene now."

Yet before we start here, there are a few step backs to know about me and her.. and the life we both chose.

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