explaining LGBTQ

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okay first. lets break down LGBTQ 

l is for lesbian a girl who is attracted to another girl 

G is for gay. it usually means a boy attrached to another boy but gay can be an umbrella term for everything else in the community you can say "im so gay" even though you might be bi or pan or anything 

B is for bisexual. the traditional meaning for bi is liking boys and girls but bisexual can now be use for anyone who likes more then 1 gender its an umbrella term so you can say your bi even though you might like all genders even though that usually means pan it all depends how you idenitfy 

T is for transgender its basically someone who does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth but non binary people can also fall under trans 

Q is for queer/questioning. Queer is someone whos not straight its an umbrella term for everyone in the community its not really persific it just means not straight. question is self explantiory its just questioning 

so thats lgbtq explained 

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