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I sat on my bed, reading Dracula for the 100th time. My blankets were tented over my head, and my flashlight shone onto the horror filled pages, illuminating the gory scenes. My pace quickened as I read on.

                My eyes began to itch with tiredness, my eyelids drooping down, shutting out half my vision. I jolted awake just as my head had dropped, and I decided it was time to sleep. I snapped the book closed and I hid it under my bed. I carefully lifted the blankets off my head, and rested my cheek on the scratchy yellow pillow.

                I removed the horn-rimmed glasses from my face and placed them on the faded makeup table. My eyes dropped closed, and my head swirled with light pictures, me dancing and playing, and then my vision rested on my new room. Someone was there….

                My eyes flew open to see a girl standing beside my bed. It was the same girl from the pictures on the wall… She was wearing the ruffled dress that she did in one of the pictures on the wall.

                My breath caught in my throat, and a squeak escaped my lips.

”Wh-Who are you?” My voice stumbled out of me, as my pulse pounded on like a racing horse’s hooves.

“My name is Bridget.” I was surprised to hear that her voice was sweet and pleasant.

I pulled out my notebook and marker and quickly scrawled my message to her, “Why are you here?”

The ghost girl closed her eyes, and a low moan seemed to emanate from her. Her lips did not move, but the moan turned to words.

“I was murdered!” The girl’s voice shrieked as her body began to glow. The light burned my eyes, and my vision was fading. I felt my eyes roll up into my head, and all I saw was black.

My body was being shaken lightly and I could feel a freezing cold touch on my forearm. My eyes opened half way to see half of a body. A skirt, legs with pretty stockings and shiny black shoes. I started as I realised that I could see the floor through the shoe. My body turned rigid, and I slowly tilted my head upward, revealing a ruffled bodice, a plain pearl necklace, soft brown curls and a plain face. Her pale eyes bore into mine.

“I’m sorry,” Bridget whispered. My fingers searched for my notebook, but I couldn’t feel the smooth leather cover anywhere.

My dry mouth opened slightly, making a clicking noise as it did so, and my voice escaped from cracked lips, “What happened?”

I saw Bridget shift uncomfortably, her weight rolling from leg to leg. Her finger began to wind around her light brown locks.

A honey sweet voice filled my ears as she muttered her apologies, “It was just... when spirits show extreme sorrow, the effect on humans in the area can be fatal. It’s amazing that you survived, to be honest. I don’t think you’re an ordinary girl.”

“So you are a spirit?” I mumbled, not daring to believe this. “How is that possible?”

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