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"Alright for this one we have to bring two more people! Present Mic, Eri and Shinsou!" Akari said with joy as the three walked in, "Hey Author-Chan." Shinsou said and sat down. "You know her?!" The other yelled, "Yeah...? She used me to test these out with, I mean, I am the one who's most easily triggered. She didn't want anyone to have a panic attack." He responded receiving a worried look from Aizawa, "Anyway, this one is about Aizawa, Mic and Shinsou," she started and the two tensed up not knowing what's to come, "More specifically, Dadzawa, Mic and Shinson!" She yelled excitedly, they untensed, "I have parents you know." Shinsou said, "Not good ones." Akari responded with some sas, "Good point." Hitoshi nodded and the AU began...

Happy Ending & Villain Mic AU

"Wonder what that means..." Asui asked herself with a quiet ribbit at the end.

Aizawa was coming back to the dorms after a late shift, it was raining, hard, that's when he noticed a teen sleeping on a park bench. He walked closer to see that it was class 1C student, Hitoshi Shinsou, he picked up the boy and brought him back to the 1A dorms, not wanting him to catch a cold. He remembered that Hitoshi didn't stay in the dorms so he brought him to his room. He noticed how light the boy was for a 15 year old but decided to ignore it for the time being. He placed the boy in the bed and went to grade papers all night

"Why is that grading papers thing so accurate?" Aizawa whispered to himself

In the morning Shinsou woke up and frantically looked around, "Kid it's okay, you're in the dorms. I found you on that bench last night and brought you here." Aizawa said and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder, Shinsou flinched away from the sudden touch, but relaxed when he saw the 1A teacher, "T- thank you." He said with a small bow, "It wasn't a big deal, but why were you on the bench in the first place?" Aizawa asked while sitting down next to the teen,

"I wonder why." Uraraka questioned, "Aww Sho! You do care about your students!" Mic whisper-yelled at Shota.

"I- I can't go home..." he whispered, barely audible, "Why not?" The older male asked turning to face the lavenderette, "I- I can't tell y- you.." he said looking down, "You have to tell me, you've been showing signs of abuse all year, and if you don't tell me why you were on that bench, I will have to visit your parents." Aizawa said sternly but still softly, "Y- you're right, t- they do a- abuse me." He said and started to cry a bit

The others stared at Shinsou who looked like he was about to have a panic attack, "Don't worry, I've got this." Midnight said and used her quirk on Shinsou

Aizawa pulled the crying boy into a hug, "I'll get you out of there, I promise." He whispered to the boy, he called the cops on his parents and got custody over the teen. (Go with it)
"Hizashi, I'm home! And I have a child!" Aizawa yelled into the apartment, "What? Why?" A civilian version of Present Mic asked while walking in, "He was in an abusive home, I thought that we could keep him." Shota said to his husband, "He's not a stray Sho." He responded, "But he kinda is." He said looking at the boy who was now sitting on the floor playing with a small white cat. "Fine, but you need to get ready for patrol, it's almost 7." Mic said with a sigh. Aizawa got ready and walked out lazily. Mic smiled to himself evilly.

"Oh no... I almost forgot that it said Villain Mic..." Deku said looking over at the loud teacher who was stareing at the screen angrily, and then at the waking up Shinsou. "I'm taking Eri and Shinsou out of the room for this next part." Akari said and the two teleported out.

He made sure that Aizawa was gone and pinned Shinsou to the wall, "We're not biologically related, and the age of consent in Japan is 13... so... I'm not breaking the law~" he said.

Everyone turned away, even Akari, but they could still hear it. One person didn't turn away, the secretly gay, pervert... Mineta. "This is gonna be good!" He whispered to himself earning a slap from Asui.

"N- no! S- stop!" Shinsou begged as Mic started grinding into Shinsou's stomach (Stomach bc of the height difference) One of his hands touched Shinsou's face and his thumb went over his lips and he slid his other hand around his waist. "S- stop, p- please!" He begged, "No~"
—After that—

"The scene is over guys." Akari said, "Aw man! I didn't get to see Shinsou's body." Mineta wined earning a slap from Mic and Aizawa.

Shinsou was on the floor, messily dressed, crying. Soon Aizawa came in and saw the boy, "Hitoshi! What happened?!" He asked, "D- don't t- touch m- me!" He yelled and backed up to the best of his ability, "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." He said and Shinsou came closer, Aizawa pulled him into a hug, "You're safe, don't worry..." he whispered and rubbed the boys back. He pulled away from the hug and asked, "What happened?" With worry filling his voice, "H- h- he r- r- r- rape m- me- e." Shinsou said with a scared and shaky voice, "Who-" Aizawa started but was cut of by the boy backing into the corner again when Mic walked into the room, "him?" Aizawa asked, Shinsou nodded and curled into a ball. Aizawa stomped over to the blonde man, "Really Yamada?! I know you're a villain and all but this?! He's just a boy!" He yelled violently, "Get out." He then said still angry, "What?"

"That was very interesting..." Sero said looking at Mic, who had an angry face on, "I would never!" He yelled, "Calm down, we know, it's an AU." Shota tried to calm the man, "Wait... the AU was called 'Happy Ending' what does that mean?" Todoroki asked, "Well, in this Shinsou was being abused and Aizawa took him in, I think that'd be a happy ending for him, right?" Midoryia mumbled out, he continued with "But does that mean that he doesn't have a happy ending in our universe?"

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