Chap 2- My Uncle

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So class open your Biology book and open page 43"

"Kiew!" Velma whispered "how lucky sitting with the new boy"

Kiew wasn't interested in the new boy,"so what?"

Velma giggled. Suddenly teacher announced, "Everyone! I remember that anyone who want to see basketball match, they can go"

Kiew looked happily at her best friend. They ran so that they could take the nearest seats. People were shouting as they say the basket ball players. Velma grabbed her hand and took her to the seats.

Kiew suddenly saw that the new boy came and sat with Chaya.

"Hey! is Chaya is relationship with that boy?"

"Probably, as she is beauty queen. Well now who's jealous?"


"oh yes! it's about to start!" Kiew and Velma said together in an energetic voice.

"Hey! isn't Pete so hot!" Velma said.


"Um...the beauty king? he's over there. I mean he's looking over here right now.."

Kiew searched that boy who was looking over here, suddenly her eyes met his eyes, it was him who she nearly bumped into.

She just ignored it and started to watch the match. After a while when the match was over.

Velma commented "Oh why did we lose? why didnt Pete won? Everytime they played their team won, why di- Hey! did u see that! at his hand! What happend?! Lets go and ask him".

"hey you go, I aint going...NO WAIT HEY dont!" without even listening to her she grabbed her hand and went that way.

When they arrived there, his friends were talking when Kiew whispered, "Hey Velma, he looks busy lets go some other time.."

"no! It's now or never!"


"Hey Pete! Dont worry if you lost, sometimes we have to lose in order to move on" Velma said to him in a polite way.

He saw me and replied "Actually we could win the match but someone hurted me" he showed his hand that Kiew wrapped with a cloth.

Velma acted shocked and said "OMG! who did this to you! Tell me I'll kill her!"

Kiew looked at her with her eyes fully opened and suprised.

"Who is this girl?" he pointed at Kiew. Velma looked at her and said, "She is my best friend!"

"Oh..let me ask you this; will u ever kill your best friend?"

"Never!" She replied without hesitating. He looked at Kiew and said "Lucky you!"

After saying this he left, Velma looked at Kiew in a confused face and said "He was being weird today, lets go.."

We both left.

At home

"Mom I home!" Kiew closed the door and searched for mom. "Mom?" until she reached kitchen, "MOM! OMYGOD HOW THIS HAPPENED?! MOM CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" She saw her mom was fainted, so she quickly took her to the hospital.

Pete's POV

"Eww! Who made this dish?!" He said angrily.

"I ordered it.." maid replied.

"Why?! Can't u order the chef to make it?!"

"You didn't like the food made by all previous chef, so i thought of ordering food.."

He stood up annoyed and headed towards his room. He opened the drawer and looked at the cloth that Kiew gave. Suddenly he heard his dad entering his room. He quickly hide the cloth.

"Pete from tomorrow onwards you have to start working"

"Why? You are still alive, so why do I have to work?"

"In order to make money"

"I dont need any money, it's you who always think about money you never thought about your family! Because of you i almost killed myself!" He showed dad his wound

"oh how did you got hurt?" He started to act as usual.

"Because i couldn't accept the truth, that my mom died!"

"Im not the cause of you mother death"

"Yes you are the CAUSE! You never gave me and my mom time, days and night you thought about work, came home late from work. She faced hardships, she cried all night! Because of you!" before his dad could speak his secretary entered the room, "Sir you need to check this out urgently" his father looked at him, "I loved your mother more than you, you can never think of" after this he left.

"Hey wait! Whats the matter?" He asked the secretary.

"Sorry but i cannot tell you, better ask your father" after this he also left.

Pete followed them downstairs and found out that they were going outside. He quickly took his bike and followed them. At first, he got confused when they parked their car at hospital.

Kiew POV

"Don't worry your mother is fine, you can meet her" Kiew was happy after listening to what doctor said. She ran inside. She saw her mom was already awaken. She sat near mom's bed and said, "Mom! I got scared when you fainted, so I took you to the hospital. Please take care of yourself, I have no one except you. Even dad would be scared in the heaven when you fainted"

"Actually i couldn't sleep at night, maybe that's why i fainted"

Before Kiew could speak someone came.
There were two boys, or i should say one uncle and one boy.

"Who are you?"

My mom replied "This father's friend, Grayson"

"oh hello uncle, are you here to visit my mom? Doctor said she's fine no need to worry" She was really happy that there is someone she could trust after mom.

"oh that's really good"

"Uncle do you have my dad's photo? Mom said he wasn't interested in taking pictures, maybe you took one picture? I wanna see my dad, whenever I start to talk about dad mom starts to cry, because she loves him very much-"

My mom interrupted "Kiew I think you should bring some coffee for your uncle"

"oh okay mom!" She left that room.

Kiew's Uncle POV:

After Kiew left he started to talk "Hey Sa (Kiew's mother name is Sa), i know that you're having cancer. I think you and your daughter now should live with me. Think about our daughter, how she'll survive when you die?"

"I'll think of it, just leave me alone" her eyes were filled with water. She didnt want to see him. She didnt want her daughter to know about this and gets in depression.

He left the room immediately, on the way he met Kiew.

"Oh uncle! You are going so early?"

"Dont worry i will come to see her tomorrow as well" after this he left but she stopped him, "Oh wait uncle! your coffee" she handed them hot coffee. He thanked her and left. When he was about to reach the door, he saw Pete,"Oh son what are you doing here?"

"I...I was here to see my friend. What about you?"

"I was also here to see my friend, you will know about her later"

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