Chapter Four|| Explanations

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{Anna's POV}

We all sat around the couches, giving wary glances to one another as Mariah sipped a glass of whiskey Alexander gave her. 

She twirled the drink in her hand before finally looking at us. "As I've said, one of the gates to hell has cracked. It's a matter of days before it burst open. I tried to contain the crack as I noticed souls trying to escape, but I couldn't hold them off." 

"How'd you try to contain it?" Devin asked. 

She lifted her empty hand and a scythe appeared from mind-air. "My scythe is more powerful than half the weapons here on earth. It can cut through souls completely destroying them with one swing, but I can only take on so many souls before the override me." The scythe dissapeared and she looked at us. 

"You can stop the souls and restore the gate." 


"Do you hounds know the exact power you hold? You hold even more power now that you have returned to human form." 

"I'm so confused." Chase grumbled, slouching on the couch. 

"Anna, you're a literal unworthy soul detector. Your aura will shine when you're near a soul that has escaped hell. Chase, you can take souls back to hell but you can also curse them with hell's touch if they are in a body they do not belong in. Devin, no soul will escape your wrath and you were made to stop even hell's most horrid souls like the deadly sins. Alexander, you can seal the crack between hell and earth being the link. You are the key to restoring the gate. Together, you all can reach the gate, fix it, and put the unworthy souls that escaped back in."

I stared agape at the information but Chase eagerly sat up. "Hell's touch? What's that?"

"If a soul possesses a body that it does not belong in, a fiery touch from you will burn the soul from the inside out, making them leave the body and give you enough time to snatch the soul and drag it back to hell where it belongs." 

"And I'm the person that's supposed to restore the gate? I can create a seal?" Alexander asked. 

"Yes, it seems harder than it is. You're the link so if you can channel the others and their abilities for even a minute, you can create a fiery seal that will mend the gate back to its original state and end the link from that gate to earth."

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Is the uprising happening?" 

Mariah shifted, thinking about the question. "It's hard to say, but something like this has never happened. The only time something like this has ever happened was when God flooded the earth the first time around." She shook her head. "And if that is the case, we're all about to be in a nasty war."

"But the trumpets haven't been blown? There can't be an uprising yet." Devin exclaimed.

"God is all-knowing, if lucifer was trying something... he'd know and he'd get a jump start, so that is why I don't believe there is an uprising... yet. Though, if lucifer is released from the cage he resides in and walks the earth once again, God will be ready and the consequences from that will be horrifying." Mariah explained, downing the rest of her drink. 

"So what is happening then?" I stressed. 

"A rebellion. Souls are rebelling and I don't know who's behind it. It could be lucifer, it could be a prince of hell, it could even be one of the deadly sins. I just don't know... but it would be best if we don't have to find out and can stop this all before it officially starts." 

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