Chapter 22

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"It's not the same." His face turned to the left. The veins in his neck got accented together with his jawline. His face was wet from the raindrops that had fallen on him. His lips were slightly parted and let out short breaths. His eyes stood so sad.

"Then what's so different?" he looked at me with lost eyes, thinking about how he should make it clear. He placed his right hand on the back of my head, pulling me in.
His lips connected with mine. It went so fast. I couldn't sense how his lips felt. Were they soft? What did they taste like? I imagine that they taste like peaches, like summer. Just because he smells like that too. I wonder how it would be like if I didn't pull back. What would happen then? Maybe our mouths would have moved in sync. Maybe we would've deepened the kiss. What would his tongue taste like? What would he taste like... Marin was not my thing. I hated everything about that. Gavin tasted like beer and chips and something sweet. Maybe sour patches. And Stephanie? I forget how she tasted and how she made me feel. I think good.

Newton made me feel sick and uncomfortable. My stomach went crazy!

When he connected our lips, fire started to shoot from my lips to every part of my body. Like warm blood filled my veins. Like an empty river that suddenly gets water flowing through it, because the dam had broken. It felt like my lips were on fire. That feeling after you ate something really spicy. After I had pulled back, my mind went blank. I wasn't really sure what to do and what to think. My first thoughts were "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" but after that, "what would our parents think of this?"
What would they do if they found out that we've kissed and that Newton likes me? Does Leslie even know that Newt is gay?

"Ash? ASH!" I looked up from the window.

"We've arrived dude." Owen was standing outside the car and wanted me to get out too. I hadn't realised we were already there yet. Damn, I completely zoned out during the trip to the ice rank.

"Hehe, mister is awake." Elio laughed when he saw me getting out. I smiled, but felt like shit. I had already promised the guys to come with them, and I also didn't want to be home, but now haven chosen to be with Leslie and not really have to talk instead of being with the guys and be happy wouldn't be such a bad idea.

"So that's why I think Sully and Mike from Monsters Inc are gay."

"Dude, first, why did I listen to this. And second, WHY ARE YOU RIGHT!"

"I KNOW RIGHT!" Owen and Elio were laughing. I have no idea why they were talking about why those characters are gay, but whatever, they seem to enjoy themselves. I was looking down, so didn't realised that Elio had stopped walking, making me bump into him. I walked around him and looked up to see why he had stopped. He was looking sadly towards the entrance of the building. I followed his gaze and then I saw it. Or better said; him.

Mike was sitting on the curve in front of the building. His elbows were resting on his knees and he was looking down. He was snuggled into his warm jacket so only his eyes pocked out.

"What is he doing here?" Owen asked. Elio didn't say anything and just walked towards Mike. Mike looked up and noticed Elio coming towards him. He quickly got up and walked towards him with his hands in his pockets. Owen and I decided to follow them, but on a little distance.

"Why are you here?" Elio asked emotionless.

"I- I wanted to see you." Mike answered awkwardly.

"Why?" Elio sounded confused and devastated.

Mike looked into Elio's eyes: "Because I owe you an apology."

Mike took a deep breath: "I am not gay, Elio, and I don't like you."

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