Alone Time

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I woke up, a feeling of clenching pain in my heart; the nightmare of the night still fresh in my mind. My mind cleared and I looked to the clock, 4:00 AM. I am up so I might as well take a shower. As time passed and I finished my shower I couldn't help but think about my nightmare, about my family. I miss them dearly and wished things could have turned out differently.

No matter now, the past is the past and I have to think about today. Today, I have to make breakfast. I think I'll make pancakes. The stairs creaked slightly under my weight providing evidence of life in the quiet house. Light flooded into the kitchen as the sensors picked up my movements. The house was cold and echoey putting my wolf on high alert.

Calm down Hora, there is no reason to be tense. Oliver is upstairs and this is the pack house. No one is stupid enough to attack here.

She seemed to calm at my words but kept her ears perked just in case. I rolled my eyes at her pettiness and pulled down the griddle. An hour and a half later, the dining room was set with mounds of pancakes, syrup, peanut butter (crunchy and creamy), forks, knives, and coffee.

My mind soon wandered as I made my way back to the kitchen, shivering slightly.

Why is it so dang cold in this house anyway?

Hora, it's okay, it is probably just extra cold tonight.

She stubbornly ignored me and paced to keep warm. I wonder if Villa is up right now.... My new watch read 6:00 AM. Oliver insisted I have one, he says I am always late, but Villa is definitely not up; even if she was, Gavin wouldn't let her leave the bed until at least 8:00.

To pass the time, I finished cleaning up the kitchen and then moved on to the living room and the rest of the house. A few people passed through the house nodding a hello or ignoring me blaintly. Regardless, I smiled and said hello.

After a while of cleaning, my watch finally said 8:00. I decided to finish cleaning the basement and then head upstairs to join the rest of the pack at breakfast. Right on time, I could smell Oliver coming downstairs. It was just faint enough that I could tell he was upstairs. So, I continued to clean but my fingers began to tint red; it was so cold in the basement, I could see my breath.

I paused a moment, my nose catching Oliver's scent. "Good morning, G," Oliver smiled with a gravely voice.

His arms wrapped around my waist, bringing me instant warmth. I melted into his arms thankful. Hora also purred and rolled over submissively. "Morning, Oliver."

"What are you doing?" he kissed my cheek sweetly.

"Cleaning," I smiled.

Oliver suddenly moved away from me causing Hora to whimper, "What time did you wake up?"


"Why, baby?"

"I uhh... had a nightmare."

He grabbed my hands, "What was it about?"""

"My parents," I started to tear up remembering the dream, not wanting to say more.

"I'm sorry, G," He gave me a gentle hug and kissed my forehead.

I blinked away the tears, "It's okay," and kissed him gently.

Soon, we headed up the stairs and sat down to eat breakfast. We sat down next to Villa and Gavin, exchanging pleasantries. While eating, many at the table made comments of thanks towards me but otherwise ignored the four of us.

Grateful for sitting at the end of the table away from the chatter, I turned to Gavin and Villa, "What are your guy's plans for today?"

Villa attempted to pull out her whiteboard but Gavin kissed her head and told her not to worry about it. He took a sip of his coffee, "I am gonna teach Villa some self defense today. I would take you Gavi, but I don't think you could handle it."

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Don't forget who broke your nose, Mister."

Gavin laughed and shook his head as Villa grabbed his hand, "What are y'all up to today?"

"Actually, I haven't told Gavi this yet but my family is gonna have a barbecue today and I was wondering if y'all would like to come," Oliver smiled nervously at me and the other couple.

I smiled grateful for the opportunity to meet the parents of my mate. "I think it would be great fun! I haven't seen Marrissa and Collins in forever! What do you think Vi?"

She nodded her head and smiled. I took an inward exhale. Going through that experience is gonna need some assistance.

"It's a date then," I smiled gratefully at my boyfriend.

"Alright, today at 12:00 expect to be there a couple hours," Oliver decided happily.

Gavin and Villa decided to stay and chat a little longer but soon left to get ready to train.

Oliver turned to me,"Do you want to stay in today? Maybe relax and watch a movie?"

"That sounds really good right now. My hands are wrinkled from scrubbing."

Oliver grabbed our plates and put them in the soapy water side of the sink then grabbed my hand, taking us upstairs.

Once inside he closed the door and told me to change into something comfortable. I smiled gratefully and put on shorts and one of his t-shirts that smelled like him. Hora has refused to let me relax in anything that doesn't smell like him anymore. She hates the smell of me I guess.

Oliver smiled and held opened his arms upon seeing me in the doorway. I smiled and climbed into bed, cuddling up to his side. Hora jumped around in happiness at being enveloped in warmth and his scent that sends tingles all over.

After a couple minutes of discussion we decided to watch "Princess Bride". Regardless, we didn't pay attention. Oliver lie on my stomach as I stroked his hair, massaging his head. Hora continued to purr happily but soon couldn't stay awake. Eventually, I could hear soft snores come from Oliver. He had his arms wrapped around my leg and his lips were slightly parted. I smiled to myself and kissed his head, soon falling into a peaceful sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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