S.even C.ruel H.ours O.f O.ur L.ives

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 S.uffocating us as we try to grasp a way into the modern world that evolves without the people's understanding.
C.aucasion hands clawing at my copper arms to try and stop us from moving into such a harmless area that they feel they should protect so badly.
H.ellish hallways that smoke us out with their nasty words for our struggle in our own education that we are entitled to just as much as they are now.
O.utlander names that makes us feel isolated from the rest of our own little island we used to be safe in.
O.ffensive hashes at our own beautiful genetics that we didn't decide but we are proud of to stand by. 
L.osers that think they can run us out of here just as fast as we came, not knowing that we are here to stay for our own rights to this amazing world of knowledge and expereince. 

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