chapter three

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"hey! come on! let me at him!"


Kelly stood peacefully at her locker that morning, getting the things she needed for her class. Her brother was at her side, messing with their friends Averman and Terri.

   "Seriously?" She groaned with discomfort as Les was shoved into her, once again. She glared at the three boys with anger which caused all three of them to become intimidated. "I'm not part of your little fight or whatever you're doing. Leave me out if it."

   "Sorry, jeez," Averman sheepishly responded, fixing the round glasses on his face. Kelly let out a small breath before turning back to her locker.

   She went back to shoving her books on the bottom shelf while the boys started to mess around again. A groan escaped from Kelly's mouth once more.

   Moments later, the girl was harshly shoved into the lockers,  falling into hers. She struggled to get out but once she did, she slowly turned around in anger.

  "I said sto-" her yelling was interrupted when she saw who stood there. It wasn't her immature friends that pushed her, it was Adam Banks.

   He cockily smiled down on her.

   "Just me, sweetheart," he said with an obnoxious tone. The girl rolled her eyes. She dropped her book bag onto the floor, placing her hands on her hips after. For her teammates, when she did that, it was aggressive and terrorizing, but to Banks, it wasn't. "Awe, how cute. You're so small!" He scrunched his nose upwards while tapping the girl on the top of the head to belittle her.

   She rudely smacked his hand away.

   "What was that for?" She asked angrily. She didn't see a point as to why he shoved her. Sure he likes to torture her, but shoving her was a new level of low.

   "You kicked me yesterday!" The girl found his voice penetrating but it's what she expected for a boy going through puberty. Adam continued. "In the keister!"

   Kelly slowly started to grin. She shrugged her shoulders, shifting her weight into her left side, her dominant side. She was ready if she needed to throw a punch if kick him in the keister once again.

  "Kneed," she corrected, "which you deserved," she barked at him. Adam rolled his eyes. "And you deserve it again for shoving me, a girl! I hope you never get a girlfriend. I'm scared to see how you'd treat her!" She placed her hands on his shoulders and was about to knee him again, but her brother and Terri hurriedly pulled her back. She tried to rip her arms out of their grasp. "Hey, come on! Let me at him!"

  "He'll destroy you, it's not worth it," Terri gritted though his teeth.

   "Yeah right! He's to scared to lay another hand on me, let me at him!" She furiously yelled. Adam placed his hand in the girls head, ruffling her neat straight hair while he smile at her. Her glare hardened.

   "See you later, sweetheart," he winked.

   Kelly groaned. She rolled her eyes, soon feeling the boy's let go of her. She turned to them with anger.

  "You should've let me at him," she grumbled.

"Come on!" Peter defended. "You really want to get into a fight right now? You know what mom thinks about them."

The look on the girls face softened. She knew her brother was right. She sadly looked down at her feet and picked up her book bag from the ground. She didn't have anything else to say. She became silent.

The girl slammed her locker door shut.

    "Let's just get to class..."

    Kelly sat anxiously in her seat in the back of her math class. She was scared to hand in her not completed homework. She didn't want her teacher to call her mother again, but she knew it was going to happen.

   As she waited for the bell to ring, she tried to come up with an excuse she hadn't used before, but nothing came to mind.

"Hey, pst, Kels!" From beside her, Connie Moreau desperately tried to grab her friends attention without their teacher noticing.

Kelly jumped. She looked at Connie with her hand over her chest.

"You scared me!" She sheepishly whispered. Connie grinned. She handed a sheet of paper to Kelly. Hesitantly, she grabbed it. "What is it?" She asked confused.

"Just open it," Connie tiredly said. Kelly sighed. She turned the sheet of paper around only to see that it was their homework, Kelly's name on top with handwriting that looked like hers.

Kelly furrowed her eyebrows. She looked over at the brunette.

"Is this last nights homework? Done?" She asked, still bewildered. Connie nodded her head with a proud grin.

"Yup! Kelly, I know you have things going on and can't do your homework most of the time, so I told Miss. Hanks that I needed an extra sheet and she gave it to me," she told her friend.

A smile crept onto Kelly's face. She reached over her desk and wrapped Connie into a hug, smelling the familiar scent of vanilla.

"Thank you, Con," she whispered. Kelly was for sure lucky to have a friend like her.

Eventually, the screeching bell rung loudly causing all of the kids to groan. Kelly pulled away from Connie and got situated in her seat. Her eyes traveled to the front of the room where she saw the older large Miss. Hanks wobble into the room with her cane in her hands.

She plopped into her chair causing a loud bang, which scared the two girls. The friends exchanged glances and held back their laughter.

"Good morning class!" Her old ragged voice exclaimed. Kelly scrunched her nose upwards with annoyance. She hated everything about her teacher, especially her squeaky voice. "Today we have a new student the whole way from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!"

The students eyes wandered over to the door where a boy entered, wearing a pair of jeans, an oversized Philadelphia Flyers jersey, and a backwards Flyers hat.

All of the kids on the District Five Hockey team exchanged looks of excitement. Standing there was their goaltender with a smug grin on his face.


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