Chapter 5

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Back in the desert, a famous coyote was chasing his famous roadrunner partner, even if he'll never catch the speedy bird and eat him like he was destined to do so. They had to stop though because Wile E. Coyote was asked to assassinate DJ and his friends. He bought expensive ACME Equipment to use it against them instead of the roadrunner for the day. He began to look through binoculars to find his targets. As they walked off innocently, he went to his computer and went to shop for some equipment. He found a Missile Launcher and decided to use that and even gift wrapped it for it to be delivered instantly. In short moments, the crate crashed down with a giant red ribbon, crushing him. Roadrunner zipped by it as he beeped, mocking his predator. "I told you, we should've made that left turn at Albuquerque." Bugs said as it seemed they were lost. "Don't start that again." Daffy scoffed. "All right, here's the plan," DJ said to everyone as they walked closer to a road. "We wait here for the next truck or car or camel or whatever and take Bugs and Daffy get back to Hollywood and finish making the movie so the girls can go back to school in time for Fall." "And what are you going to do?" Kate asked. "Keep going that way." DJ said, pointing straight ahead. Love stopped walking. "That's your plan?" DJ looked back with a nod. "Yeah. That's the direction the car was going."

Wile E kept turning the crank to make the missile rise up and blast them locked on target. He clicked the button and the backfire blasted all over him before it took off. Wile E looked through his binoculars as it went, but he frowned once he saw it was coming right back at him and it knocked his helmet clean off his head. "Okay I don't wanna get mixed up in your little caper here, but let's just assume your father Damian Drake really is a spy?" Kate asked. "Super spy." Daffy corrected. Tarte listened to the others, but could've sworn he heard a distant explosion. "What's the point of just meandering through the desert if-" Kate then asked, only to be interrupted. DJ took his latch off and handed it to her. "Here. Be safe..." he cautioned before going off. "Atta boy," Bugs congratulated. "Trust your instincts." "Except for the water tower, the Batmobile, the rubble known as Las Vegas." Daffy smirked. "Hey," DJ looked to him. "There's nobody as rich, famous, and powerful as my father who just disappears into thin air." he said before walking off, only to do just that, shocking the others. "Uh, you all just saw that, right?" Tarte asked everyone, hoping that the heat wasn't getting to him. Kate poked her finger forward and there was some wobbly invisible substance. "It's not possible..." Setsuna tried it herself. "What is this?" "Suddenly I feel like I'm in Aunt Marge's Jell-O mold." Bugs commented as he did the same. DJ popped back out with a smile. "Hey guys, it's air-conditioned in here, come on in!" He took Kate's hand and pulled her in with him. Kate grabbed Bugs and Daffy with them as they fell in. "Come on, girls." Love said as she picked up Tarte in her arms. "Let's get inside quickly." Miki said before they went into the invisible substance.

They all went in and landed on top of Kate, DJ, Bugs and Daffy. There were alarms blaring and ringing as they landed inside and there were all sorts of strange creatures. There was some kind of monster with pointed legs, four eyes, and razor fangs scattered over to them and roared to them. They had no escape as their way back out to the desert was quickly closing up. A mechanical claw came down for the monster and took it away from them. "HA! Bye-Bye Monster!" Tarte called out. Then men with sunglasses in uniforms came with what looked like laser guns. One of the guards was with a scientist and trapped the monster into a jar and put a lid on it, poking in air holes and it slowly breahted as it was now trapped. "Okay, buster," Daffy walked to the guards. "Where's Damian Drake and that big diamond?" One guard zapped Daffy, reducing him into a pile of goo with eyeballs. "Clean up on aisle three..." Daffy mumbled, very miserable right now as he was a black liquid puddle. Setsuna put her hands over her mouth, feeling bad for her boyfriend. Chiffon laughed at Daffy, thinking that this was funny. "Don't laugh, Chiffon" Tarte told her. 'Can I be of service?' a robot slowly walked over. 'I am monitored to respond to the name Robbie.' "Wow, a real robot." Miki said. The robot walked off and a woman with white clothing and glasses came up from behind. "Hi, DJ!" the woman greeted with a smile. "At ease..." She made the guards lower their weapons. "I'm Mother." she shook hands with DJ. "The car said we'd be meeting you." Inori remarked. DJ seemed very focused on this woman called 'Mother' for some reason. "How do you know my name?" he asked after stunned silence. "Oh" Mother chuckled. "DJ, I've known you since you were this big," she said, pressing her fingers close together, making the others look. "That's not really possible, is it? Must have been a photo... Oh, let me just take care of this..." She took out a turkey baster and sucked Daffy in through it to carry him along with them. "Give it to me straight, how bad is it?" Daffy asked her. "So shall we?" Mother asked them while holding the turkey baster. Everyone shrugged and followed the ominous woman.

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