20 - Tuttugasta

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We had landed in Iceland, and went through immigration without much event. The whole time, however, everything that Valente had told me on the flight kept replaying in my mind.

The animosity between Alfie and Valente was quite real yet it wasn't visible at all. I didn't realize how deep it ran when they sat in front of each other in Fala. But in my defense, they didn't make it too obvious either.

I had thought that the hatred was one-sided. But I knew now, for a fact, that couldn't possibly be true.

If Femi really was the closest thing Alfie had to a son, his death would have most definitely affected him badly.

Valente had told me more about what happened the night of the attack five years ago.

After I left, Sterkur took over Valente's form, displaying his inner rage to the enemy and obliterating everyone in his path.

Even Sgriosaire's best warrior succumbed at Valente's feet.

If it was anyone else, I'd think they're exaggerating but it wasn't just anyone telling me this.

It was Alpha Valente.

Even if you're one of the best in your pack with many years of experience in the field, you would still lose to an enraged Alpha.

I looked at Valente as we walked out of Egilsstadir airport towards the Arrivals. He returned a soft smile and held my hand in his, pushing our luggage trolley with the other hand effortlessly.

How can a man of such compassion kill so mercilessly and without second thought?

Without any regrets?


We waited in silence outside the airport. What we were waiting for? I didn't know.

But my thoughts invaded the silence we shared.

Valente had told me that Gramma was buried in the pack cemetery, next to Grandpa Bryn, along with all the other warriors we had lost that night.

Slyvia was still the same even after Valente had pardoned her. He said she was still the woman who raised him, and because she resented Kristján's betrayal, he let her off the hook after some discussion with Delta Osvald.

Eidis had suffered enough in the prison pits and after her brother's death, things just went further downhill for her. It was the second biggest blow to her family after her father, the Gamma, had died. But this time there was no sympathy for her and her mother.

Eidis had become a social outcast in Fathilagt, and it wasn't just because of her being Kristján's sister. She too was involved in his attempted coup to a great extent. The only difference was that she was still breathing.

Valente left them alone with a warning to fend for themselves. Perhaps his warning was harsh enough to keep them in line.

I'd seen the way Valente turned when someone angered him, and it was never a pretty sight.

My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar 4x4 family car stopping in front of us.

Otto, Renee's mate, walked out from the driver's seat towards us. I instinctively looked in the car to see if my sister had come too, but the car was empty.

"They're waiting at home, Rayne," Otto said, giving me his brilliant smile.

Regardless, I was happy to see him. He was family too.

I took the few steps to reach my brother-in-law and hugged him. It'd been so long since I'd last seen him.

He smiled at me, holding my shoulders in a supportive manner before greeting Valente as well.

"Welcome home," he said, one arm extended towards his car.

The words resounded in my head, and I could feel Ima get more restless the closer we were to Fathilagt.

I helped Valente and Otto put our luggage in the back of the car; not that they'd need my help for the two suitcases I had managed to pack.

Otto didn't seem to have aged a day, but that's the thing with us werewolves. We age like Rowan trees.

I'd taken the backseat to myself again, as Valente and Otto sat in the front.

Exhaustion was catching up with me but I couldn't bring myself to sleep again. I was happy to be back here in this place, my home country.

I barely slept for an hour during my three-hour flight. And I was sure I wouldn't be able to sleep the three more hours it'd take to reach Hof.

I was too fidgety and excited.

Thankfully, as is Otto's demeanor, he kept us laughing and talking throughout the car ride and never brought up any questions about how or why I suddenly left.

I was grateful to him for that.

As we entered the Birch forest the feeling of power that took over me was overwhelming, and suddenly it was hard for me to breathe.

The car started to feel a lot smaller and I felt suffocated, almost trapped.

Valente was the first to notice and he immediately turned around, asking Otto to stop the car on the dirt road to our pack that was still about twenty minutes away, nestled deep into the forest.

"What's wrong?" he asked through our link.

I was unable to answer him, and I realized it wasn't me that was feeling trapped at all.

"Let me... Let me out," Ima said, her voice was breathless, and the trees were affecting both of us.

I opened the door and staggered out, reaching the closest tree.

As soon as I came into contact with it, a loud humming erupted in my mind, as if it was always there, only now the volume was turned up to maximum.

I fell to the ground, shaken by the loud humming in my head which didn't seem to go away even as I pushed myself away from the tree.

I didn't even reach Fathilagt yet, but something about coming back was dawning on me.

It felt as if my connection to this forest was tangible, as if it was an object for me to hold as I please.

Valente was beside me in an instant, and Otto stood in front of us, unable to make out what was happening.

"Rayne...please," Ima's voice echoed in my mind as if she was much further away.

I turned to my mate who was stroking my back in an attempt to comfort me.

"You go ahead," I told him, touching his cheek with a weak hand, caressing it with my thumb. "I'll catch up."

Valente didn't respond, and instead immediately turned to Otto.

"She needs to shift, I'll come with her. You take the car," he told him.

"Is she okay though?" Otto asked, his face masked with genuine concern.

Valente gave me a smirk, as if he found my predicament funny.

"Oh she's fine. She's just so happy to be home that she can't even contain herself."

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