3. arabella

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His buzz is wearing down, but the thoughts of that girl at the front desk aren't. She was gorgeous. Exactly his type, he's pretty sure Matt had an eye for her too. The lads said that they wanted to get high, probably off weed or summat, and of course they all turn to him for it, yeah i mean I do weed but I don't have it on me at all fucking times, he thinks. it's usually just at gigs. "So, you didn't think to pack any?" Jamie asks. "Nope," He replies, nonchalantly.
"Right then," Matt said, "No ones got the goods, I say we just go find the nearest pub and get dru-" he was cut off by a familiar voice, "Um, I have uh weed."

They all turned their heads to face her, looking at her with wide eyes, "Fuckin' hell, you're a life saver!" Jamie calls. Her cheeks go a deep colour of red, he can't tell if she's blushing or embarrassed.

She slowly steps into the room and whips out a small rectangular tin from her pocket. "One for you," she says, handing a joint to Nick. "And you," she hands another to Matt. "You too," handing another one to Nick.
"One for me," she says, putting one in between her index and middle fingers. "Andddd, one for you," she says, handing Alex one.

He digs around in his pockets trying to find a lighter, "Ah!" He says as he pulls it out his pocket, he lights his joint, passes the lighter on to Matt, and takes a long drag if it.


As night was starting to fall, his world was becoming more and more relaxed. They found anything and everything funny. Nick was rambling on about how rocks are actually soft or summat like that, he's not really listening, He's too caught up in his own high. He's lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling lost in a train of thought. Every so often he feels his heavy eyes wander over to the bird that hooked them up, also the one that gave Matt the room keys, He's not sure of her name. Gemma?

"Guyyyyssss!" Jamie called,
"I really," He let out a little snort "Wanna go sit somewhere by the sea."
The room erupted with laughter, but it soon died down as they heard the girl say something,
"I know a place," she said, man I really need to find out her name, he thinks.
"Come on, I'll drive ya somewhere."

They all picked themselves off the floor and made our their out the door, the girl leading. They get back down to the reception then Alex realises he's forgotten his jacket, "Oooookayyy, don't take forever though!" Nick says. "I'll only be a sec. Swear." He mumbles back.

He heads back upstairs and makes his way to the room, He was about to open the door but he heard his phone ping from the back pocket of his jeans. As he reads the text that illuminated the small screen, he instantly felt a rush of emotion. Even though it's an unsaved number, He knows exactly who it is. It's arabella.

Hey, I miss you. Her message said. He doesn't know how he feels about her, she was nothing but a bitch to him, but secretly he's not over her.
Relentless, he chose to ignore the text. He steps into the room and throws his phone on the settee, grabs his leather jacket and makes his way back downstairs, which felt like a fucking eternity.


"Woah!" They all said, simultaneously, looking at the glimmering ocean underneath them. "Man, the ocean is so fucking pretty," the girl said. He looked at her and realised she had a name tag on this whole time. Idiot, He thinks. Jas. That's her name, maybe it's short for something. Jasmine, possibly?

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