Chapter I- Vegetable Monster

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^^The bakery

C H A P T E R - O N E

The little boy gazed up at the beautiful Amorette with starry eyes filled with awe and amazement. He reached up, mouth agape, as he gently grabbed the crêpe filled plate. They were always his favorite.

"Thank you, Amorie! You're the best!" He thanked wholeheartedly.

Amorette beamed, crouching down to the seven-year old's height and playfully messing up his dirty blonde hair. He refused to cut it, insisting the hair obscuring his grey eyes added to his 'image.' Amorette made a show of looking around, making sure that no one was in their hearing range before whispering, "Atlas, you've gotta listen to me. Make sure you don't eat this before dinner or the vegetable monster will eat you. You have to finish your veggies to make sure nothing will happen to you," she warned with wide eyes.

Mere seconds ago Atlas was busy fixing his pride and joy, also known as his hair, but now stared back at Amorette, mimicking her wide-eyed look. "Thank you for telling me, Amorie. I don't wanna get taken." He shudders.

The redhead tried her best to keep in her giggles, almost letting one slip before disguising it as a cough. When she was younger, her older brother had always tricked her into eating her vegetables by saying the 'vegetable monster' was going to take her if she didn't eat her food, especially her vegetables, before eating her dessert. It worked like a charm until she figured out he was lying one night when she forgot about the made-up monster and slipped her food to the bunnies outside. She was crying the whole night when she remembered until her brother told her the truth.

Amorette checked the time on her small watch, standing up. "You better get going Atlas, you don't want to be late for dinner." She lightly pats his butt to get him moving.

Atlas pouted, not wanting to leave his pretty friend. "Ok," he sighed reluctantly.

"Hey, cheer up," she smiled down at him. "I'll have a new batch up Crêpes ready for you next time you stop by. Now run along, don't make your momma worry."

Looking forward to more treats in the future, his mood elevated. The adorable boy left the shop with a newfound bounce in his step, but not before giving Amorette a tight hug, which she was more than happy to accept, and making her promise to make him crêpes.

She laughed as he left, shaking her head at her cute customer. He was a regular in the small bakery and her mood always brightened when he stopped by. His lopsided grin and sparkly grey eyes were impossible to not love.

"Amor," a familiar voice startled her from her thoughts, making her turn on her heel to see her boss. The Cuban lady was one of the sweetest people she knew. Amorette has been working here for three years ever since she turned 16 and didn't regret it a day in her life.

Her boss, Irene, was a plump woman with a round face that always held a smile and eyes that always contained a mischievous look.

"Yes, Mrs. Montoya?" Amorette was apprehensive, knowing that the sweet old lady wouldn't like how she was still working. She was a spitfire when she wanted to be and could be a little scary.

Irene wiped the flour off on her apron, the color of it identical to the pure white hair that was always pulled up into a large elegant bun. She narrowed her eyes at the small girl in front of her. "You know you aren't supposed to be here. You work too much, cariño. You need to give yourself a break. And you know you aren't supposed to give out treats for free anymore," the old lady reprimanded playfully.


Amorette looks at her boss with a deer caught in the headlights expression before straightening up and grinning. "Don't worry Mrs. Montoya, I paid for it! Little Atlas needed a pick me up. Also, I'm sorry I worked later. I know you don't like me doing that, but I promise it was for a good reason! Atlas had a little fight with his momma, but I helped him fix it. Now he's back to his happy self, thankfully," she babbled. It was a habit of hers that she's had since she was little that rose when she was nervous.

Irene looked at the young girl fondly. She was like a daughter to her. "Mija, I'm not mad at you. I just don't want you to wear yourself too thin. I know you want to help, but you can't forget to put yourself first sometimes. You're too sweet for your own good," her boss scolded lightly, causing her to blush, looking at the floor bashfully. She wasn't too good at excepting compliments.

"I'll get going now then," Amorette smiled, then she widened her eyes looking back up at Irene. "Unless you need me to do something else. I already swept the floors and emptied and counted the money in the cash register. I might have forgotten to do-." she was interrupted by a laughing Irene.

"Baby, I've got it. You go ahead. It's Friday, go do whatever you kids do these days. I'll see you on Monday."

"Thank you, Mrs. Montoya! Bye!" The redhead grabs her bag and practically skips towards the door.

Irene smiles at her employee affectionately. "And what did I tell you about calling me Mrs. Montoya? It makes me feel old," she shouts after the redhead, but she was already too far to hear, or she was just ignoring her.

Irene shakes her head, chuckling as she finishes tidying the shop before closing it. As she leaves, she kisses her fingers before placing it on the smiling picture of her mother next to the cash register. Her mother, Fabiana, passed down the shop before she died. That's where the shop, "Fabiana's bakery," got its name. The bakery was her mother's pride and joy and she knew her mother would be proud of what she's done with it since her passing.



I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of "Enchanting Amorette" !!!

Hopefully, this book finally sticks! I'm excited!!

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