Chapter VI

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Joe tenses her body, bracing it against the mast as the ship rolls to port before settling back straight. She once again finds herself in the maintop pondering over the news about James' deceit. She had only the word of a terrified man after being cut upon. But deep down she knew that James' was capable of such acts of villainy. She just was not sure what she was going to do now that she knew he had set it all up. The truth was Charlie's life was in danger, it did not matter what she was thinking or how she felt about James. She was going to go with him just to save Charlie's life. She could only imagine what he was going through and it sickened her to think of him being tortured much like she had five years ago. Soft grunting and murmured curses drags Joe out of her own head. She turns to look at the edge of the platform to see wavy brown hair poke forth followed by intense green eyes.

John drags himself up through the taunt lines. He sets himself on the edge with his feet dangling towards the deck below. He pants lightly, sitting with his hand on his hip as he tries to catch his breath. His hair flows in the night air as it is not trapped under his hat. Joe had disappeared about half way through the day and he had a suspicion that she had climbed up here to the maintop. He had the urge to go after her and confront her about what was wrong then and there, but he decided against it. Joe has always had a complicated mind. She needed time to work through her own emotions and thoughts before John charged full ahead with quires. It was now late into the night and she had yet to come down, so John decided that it was enough time for her to sort things out. He turns his deep green eyes on Joe sitting against the mast.

"You're going to have to find a different place to hide. I'm getting too old to climb the ratlines up here." He jokes.

Despite her despondent attitude, Joe finds herself laughing at her Uncle. She had come up here for some peace and clarity. It was the very spot that Charlie had cleared her mind, promising that he would never abandon her and told her that he loved her a couple weeks later. Charlie was on her mind a lot here lately. It was clouding her judgement and making it difficult to concentrate. She was worried sick about him and his condition. She also missed him terribly. Charlie grounded her in so many different ways; to not have him around made her feel lost and lonely. The emotions were overwhelming at times.

John scans over his niece. He was able to get a small laugh out of her before going back to that despondent look. He looks down at his pants not sure what he can do to help. Joe has been out of sorts lately, a constant worry tension around her. Several members of the crew such as Pittman, Burnt and Rogers, had come to him about the matter. John himself could see the subtle change in her. She had always been a glimmer of happiness and hope among the crew, but now she bore a heavy weight that tired her out. John glances back up at Joe. The ocean breeze picks up, whistling through the sails and lines. Joe closes her eyes as it caresses her face and hair. John smirks lightly as he looks back down. Joe had a deep connection to the ocean, one that John could not even begin to understand. It reminded him a lot of how Clinton used to do the same thing; have the same ability.

"Do you know why your father called you my queen?" John asks, breaking the silence.

"No. I just figured it was because I was his only kid. . . . and a girl." She adds.

"Well that could have been part of it. But it all started when you were born."

John could picture the whole day like it was just yesterday. The Cyclone had been surrounded by so many ships and boats, all waiting to see the birth of another Carter. John was shocked at the amount of people. Albert and Clinton were wearing holes in the quarter deck planking while Martha screamed below them in the Captain's quarters. It took several hours but the baby finally came. Clinton breathed easy once he heard the cry of the baby. The men hugged and clapped him on the back. John remembers the sea became agitated and the wind picked up at an alarming rate. The ship rocked and rolled violently. Clinton had just closed his eyes, tilling his head up as he took in deep breaths. And then just as suddenly as it happened, it ended.

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