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ONE | The Lost One

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ONE | The Lost One

[ Narrator's Perspective ]

Ray rolled over the jagged rocks on the shore, shielding his eyes from the sun. He immediately felt pain spread up and down his side. He woke up the second his hand touched the gravel on which he had been lying. His head spun as he stood up quickly to survey his surroundings. The sun was high and bright in the blue sky, with a few white clouds floating by.

   "What the hell... where is this?" The last thing he remembered was storming off to his room after an argument with Don, and he clearly remembered sleeping on his bed. He whirled around to see most of the kids lying on the floor, some of whom were awake and confused.

The other children on the shore's opposite side were only just coming out of their slumber.

   "We're here?" Lannion mumbled, taking in the scene with awe.

Phil gazed out at the ocean and the city not far away, marveling at the sight of the waves and saying, "Buildings... and houses."

With a huge grin on his face, Don declared, "We did it!"

   "It's the human world!!"

Every single one of them cheered, hugging and jumping one after another with a huge smile on their faces.

Gilda sighed, "We really did it...?" she said.

   "Look, there are people over there!" Don exclaimed as he pointed to the bridge.

   "Living people!" Alicia added.

   "There are no demons here!" Nigel beamed, bursting into tears afterward.

Phil and Thoma both whirled around to face her with triumphant expressions.

   "Emma, isn't this great?" Phil stared at the girl with the orange hair, his smile slowly fading away from his face. "Emma, what's the matter?"

Craning her neck, Emma looked around for her friend with a terrified expression on her face, "Where's Nina?"

The kids looked around and started talking among themselves, suddenly realizing that Ninelie was missing. Everyone was so worried that they immediately began looking for her.

   "Ninelie!! Where are you?!"

   "Please answer if you're nearby!" Gilda yelled out.

    "She's really..." Panic was setting in for Emma. She continued to look everywhere, but she never did find the missing girl. 

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