★ Classroom Accident | | Male ★

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Just to clarify this before you start reading, Y/N means your name. This is the male version of this story, so if you want the female version just look for it where all the other stories are.

This story contains...

CBT (Cock and ball torture) and more specifically, cock kicking

Your POV

It was the start of another boring school day, you were thinking of how much Panta you drank this morning as your stomach started to ache.

"Heeyy! Y/N, Over here!" Kokichi would wave

"Huh?" You turned over to see Kokichi waving at you, he never really payed any attention to you since the school year started so you were kind of confused at first.

"The teacher asked me to bring you to the janitor, he needs you for something." Kokichi would get up out of his chair and wave his hand, signalling for you to come follow him.

"Err.. okay.." You'd get up, a bit unwilling to follow Kokichi, but you did so anyways. 'Why out of everyone, him??' You'd wonder as you were following him out of the classroom. Kaito was always the one who got asked by the teacher to escort you, not Kokichi.

While you were walking behind Kokichi you couldn't help but stare at his cute little ass. It was just so nice, it wasn't like those huge asses that jiggle when you walk, or like those flat ones. It was perfectly round, it also fit perfectly inside of those nice pants of his that you wish you could take off.

"What're you looking at?" You'd realize that you just got caught staring at Kokichi's ass. You'd quickly look up.

"Uh.. nothing..." You'd realize your face was burning up so you looked down, watching Kokichi walk closer.

Kokichi would grab your face softly, then he'd force you to look up at him. "You're such a bad liar, your face is burning up too! Neeheehee~!" Kokichi would smile, closing his eyes at the same time.

"N-ngh.. get away Kokichi..." You'd feel your cock hardening inside your school uniform. 'Fuck.. i'm screwed..' You'd think to yourself as you felt Kokichi suddenly push you inside of the janitor's closet. "Ow! What was that fo- OW! KOKICHI?!" You'd feel Kokichi stomp on your chest, you felt so weak compared to him at the state you were in.

"Hahahaa.. You really believed the janitor had some work for you to do, huh? Idiot, why would you believe a liar like me?" You felt Kokichi start to dig the heel of his shoe into your chest.

"F-FUCK! KOKICHI! T-THAT HURTS!" You'd grab Kokichi's ankle, trying to lift his foot and shoe off of your chest but that just made him stomp on your crotch instead. "NNGHH!!" You'd groan, not knowing what to do. You were being stomped out inside a closet with no escape, what else would you do?

"Shut the fuck up! You're being too loud! I'll stomp harder if you don't shut up, and maybe i'll make you piss and cry like a little baby!" Kokichi would laugh sadistically, until he noticed something... You'd realize that he noticed you were growing an erection. 'SHIT! DID HE NOTICE??' You'd quickly cover your erection with your hands.

"Awwwh, how cute! Have you already grown an erection, Y/N? I knew there was something weird about you..." Kokichi would lift his foot off of you, giving you a bit of hope for a second. You were about to sit up, but then you felt Kokichi stomp hard on your crotch area.

"A-AAHHH~!! FUCK! K-K-KOK-KICHI!" You'd close your eyes tightly, feeling a tear rolling down your cheek.

"How dirty.. You like this, don't you...? You dirty bitch..." You felt Kokichi applying more pressure and friction between your crotch and his shoe.

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