You get pets

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In this I will not be talking about their pets you know of. Instead it'll be fiction animals that you both "adopt" together.

Paul -

He wants a dog. You decide to get a big dog. It was a sweet boy that you named Oliver.

John -

You get a sweet cat. She is fluffy and cuddly and is named Michelle. You decided to name her after the song considering Michelle wasn't a real person.

George -

You get a hamster. It's cute and half white, half ginger. It's name is Jelly after your favorite snack to share, Jelly Babies. It loves you and usually goes to you if you have a choice (George will never admit it though and you'll playfully argue about it).

Ringo -

You two get a fish full of tank. You name all of them and take care of them. Sometimes you like to sit, cuddle, and watch them together.

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