the cat was thrown across the room

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Kirishima just sat there in shock for a few seconds, Bakugou is kissing me, while he processed what was happening, Bakugou is kissing me on the lips, he couldn't believe it was actually happening, I'm kissing Bakugou, and then he kissed him back. Bakugou had meant for it to be a quick peck, just to satisfy Ashido and Kaminari, but then he was enveloped in Kirishima's slightly chapped lips, and then Kirishima grabbed his jaw and kissed him back, kissed him harder, kissed him deeper, and it was amazing. They were there, on that tiny ass couch, facing each other, lips pressed together, and it felt like they could spend eternity like that. *A/N ahaha can u tell im lonely* But then they noticed that the room was silent. The chanting had stopped, it sounded like no one was breathing, and so they both pulled away. Nothing made any noise at all for a bit, while Kirishima and Bakugou stared at each other in shock. Ashido, Kaminari, Tsu and Uraraka broke the spell by cheering. Kaminari stood up on his couch and started jumping around like a fuckin psycho so fast that he fell backwards off the couch and would have cracked his head open and bled to death if not for Shinsou's fast can-you-tell-I've-been-training-to-get-rid-of-my-crushing-self-doubt-about-being-a-good-hero reflexes. The insomniac literally jumped over the back of the couch and threw, yes, threw, the kitten at Uraraka and Tsu (who caught it, the cat is fine for anyone who cares), and caught Kaminari in his arms, bridal-style. Shinsou stood there awkwardly for a second, and then deposited the bisexual disaster back onto the couch. Ashido literally ran around the room screaming for 5 minutes, and they had to threaten to get Sero to tape her mouth shut before she would calm down. Midoriya was just sitting on the couch, his jaw on the floor, the entire time this shit was going down, and Todoroki had no idea what had happened because he had discovered that there was another flavor of dorito, the almighty cool ranch. *A/N I don't care what you say cool ranch is better than all the other flavors* Uraraka and Tsu were both beaming, they were so happy that their clearly gay dumbass classmates got some sense kissed into them. 

Bakugou was terrified. He had no idea what just happened, he had never actually admitted to himself that he had a crush on Kirishima, but he'd just kissed him, and Kirishima had kissed him back. He didn't know if Kirishima liked him back and he sure as hell didn't know what to do now. "So... was that like... an accident?" the unsure red-haired boy asked. "No, dumbass. How do you even... kiss... someone on accident? I meant that, and I hope you fucking meant it too," Bakugou blurted out, his filter demolished alongside his sense of what the actual fuck was going on in the world. "Yeah, I, uh, I think so..." he responded. "You think so? The hell does that mean, shitty hair?" Bakugou exclaimed. "YEAH- ok? I meant it. I... I like you, Bakugou, and not in a friend way. I mean, I do like you as a friend, but also, you know, not- as a friend, I mean, you know?" he said. "Stop mumbling, I know what you mean. You sound like Deku." Bakugou half-growled. "Well... so do you? Like me back, I mean." Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Does this answer your question?" He shoved his mouth against Kirishima's for the second time, eliciting a gasp that was quickly muffled. This kiss was different from the last, where the other had been frantic and confusing, this one was sweet and soft and slow. Kirishima ran his hand through Bakugou's soft, naturally spiky hair, that was so unlike his own he spent an hour painstakingly gelling into peaks every morning. They both pulled away once they ran out of air, Kirishima beaming, Bakugou with a small, almost unnoticeable, soft smile on his lips. "Bakugou, will you be my boyfriend?" Kirishima asked with pleading eyes. "Of course I will, you red haired loser," he responded. The chaos that ensued after this was uncontrollable and didn't die down for half an hour, as one would expect from the group, with even Todoroki and Shinsou half-heartedly participating.

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