Toga I...

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(Your POV)

I wake up after most of the class but wake up to mineta tapping my shoulder.

Mineta: so who was the babe in you're room that one night

You: oh that was m-my g-g-girlfriend...

Mineta: lucky, how big are her boobs?

You: i-i dont know

Aizawa: mineta stop messing with (y/n)

Now the whole rooms attention was on us... great... I just put my head down as mineta gets yelled at by kat.


I then hear mineta cower in fear as i laugh a little... that is before i start thinking about what mineta said and blush... a lot redder then todorokis hair.

Uraraka: hey (y/n) are ok? You look sick...

You: im ok... just thinking about what uhhh... novel i should read?

Uraraka: you like to read?

You: ye-

Bakugo: dont lie

You: no...

Bakugo: explain

You: no

Bakugo: whatever


I walked to my dorm to be met with toga laying on my bed facing the wall asleep. I quickly close the door and attempt to wake her up which works.

Toga yawns and looks at me then smiles and hugs me.

Toga: hey (y/n)!

You: shhh keep your voice down. What are you doing here?

Toga: i wanted to see you. Oh i got a movie! Do you wanna watch it?

You: what is it?

Toga: are ok with horror

You: yeah perfectly fine

Toga: then you'll love the exorcist

You: ok


We're almost at the end of the movie and im clinging on to toga for dear life. (I havent accually watched the movie but i heard it was decent so)

Toga: are you scared?

Toga said teasingly as she hugged me. I heard a knock on the door, and even if i didnt want to i let go of toga and told her to hide. After she did i opened to door to see momo.

You: oh hey momo! What are you doing here?

Momo: i heard you scream and wanted to know if you were alright

You: yeah just watching a horror movie

Momo: oh ok didnt know you liked them

You: yeah

Momo: alright have fun

You: i will night

Momo: good night (n/n)

She leaves and i close the door and tell toga she can come out and we continue watching the movie.

Toga: hey (y/n)?

You: yeah?

Toga: become a villian

You: toga i...

Himiko Toga x Male Reader (the cringe will intensify once more)Where stories live. Discover now