Chapter 3 - Face Your Nightmare

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"Sorry, do you know where I can get a ticket to go to the performance?" Art turned to ask the dark-haired girl beside him.

The girls stood beside Art frowned at him as they sipped their drinks. "What do you want?" One of the girls snickered, giggling as she walked forward. Art didn't have a problem with what she said, it was the way she was looking at him like he was some kind of target... It unnerved him the way she held his gaze.

Stop staring, Art spat in his head. Inside, a storm was boiling over his head but outside, his face remained stone cold. 

Art barely took notice of the way the other girls were giggling... To be truthfully honest, Art found it uncomfortable when talking to people. If he had any say in it, he'd avoid all touch of physical or verbal contact with anyone. He was just about to ask again when the girl moved directly in front of him. She was on her heels, but Art - being taller than most people his age - towered over her. The girl flinched suddenly, nervousness in her face. She stopped. Then she turned and pulled her friends forward with her. 

Art stepped back sending shooting the girls a glare. "Move away from me--what the fuck!" He barked out.

That seemed to pause them where they were, but the girl still continued on. She smiled slowly. "What's the rush?"

There was a moment of tense silence before anyone spoke again. The first thing that Art thought was that everything was positively confusing to him right now. Why was she talking to him like that? Art didn't know her and they had nothing to do with each other. While Art became increasingly agitated, the girl moved closer until she was literally grabbing onto his arm. Wincing, the boy snatched his arm back.

"Get off me!" Art snarled. 

A scream filtered out of the girl's lips.

She stumbled backwards before tripping over her heels and fell to the ground with a thud. The glass on her hands flew through the air and landed right on her white dress staining it with blotches of red wine. 

That was when he saw it. A look of pride crossed her eyes before she drew a smug smile.

Art recognised it then... She was looking at him like he was no more than a piece of filthy trash beneath her feet. People were disgusting, utterly disgusting with their gross habits. It sickened him. But the joke was on him, the girl had planned it perfectly and now she was on the ground with him standing beside her fallen form. 

Like that, rough fingers gripped his shoulder and spun him around. Art wasn't surprised when he came face to face with a fuming red-faced guy. The man flung himself up with all his might. The move was so quick that Art could barely react. The next thing he felt was the man's fist colliding with his cheek. Dark spots exploded in his vision. Art fliched, knees suddenly bucking from under him. The swelling had already begun and it stung awefully. 

The crowd around the scene looked on at the scene with wide eyes. There was a small cut forming on the boy's face. It would have made sense if the boy was shaking with fear. It would have made sense if he was terrified. But there was none of that, only an angry glare shone from his features.

If looks could kill, then Art's eyes were like daggers slicing through the girl and the man. Even the couple could feel the boy's thick rage.

The man was the first to recover. He leant down, eyes hard. "How dare you touch my girlfriend like that? Huh!--You'll be fucking sorry for ever going near her again."

"I touched her?" Art wiped his arm across his cheek, "She came up to me and touched me. I didn't do anything to her."

"You're lying, just like all of you people. It's fucking gross. Criminals like you don't deserve to be here."

Adoring Lions: Blood-arc Series, #2 - (BoyxBoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now