The truth comes out

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"she has no right to tell me that God does everything!!" said Tinu cleaning off her tears

"it's ok" said kimmy

"no it's not okay, who does she think she is?" replied Tinu

"calm down" said kimmy

" no! Something she doesn't get is that she's going to let down! Yet she tries to mess with facts that can be proved!" replied Tinu

"Tinu don't start this again" begged kimmy

"NO!!! I'M GOING TO PROVE MY POINT THAT THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A GOD" Tinu yelled walking to the camp ground

"how dare you" said Alex

"there is no such thing as a God!!! He doesn't exist" replied Tinu

"YES HE DOES" said Alex as she slapped Tinu

"u are dead" said Tinu as she held onto Alex

As they were fighting they fell to the ground and tumbled down the hill at the end they both hit their head on a tree and fell uncurious.

[in the spiritual rem]

The girls woke up in a dark room full of nothing with screams of "mum don't!!" "ahhhhhs" and sounds of crying in the air,they looked around but there was nothing, when all of a sudden 2 bright likes shined brightly at each one of them as Alex looked she saw her parents with their arms opened to embrace her,she ran and hugged them with tears in her eyes as they hugged her and said everything was ok

"mum ... Dad,you're here,you came back" said Alex crying

"no honey,we didn't,you came to say hi,we missed you" replied her parents

"but I killed you.... It was my fault" said Alex

"you didn't kill us honey,what you said that day doesn't matter, you didn't know any better, but look at you now all grown up and christlike, we couldn't be more proud of you" said her parents

"I wish I listened to you back then, if I did you'd still be there for me" said Alex

"we're always there for you, you just don't notice cause you haven't let go of your guilt,what happened that day wasn't your fault, everything happens for a reason, it was God's will :)... Now that's enough crying" they said as they cleaned her tears off and vanished "we'll always love you"

"I'll always love you too" said Alex as she smiled and cleaned her tears. Meanwhile as Tinu was walking to the light it got farer and farer she ran but to no avail so she gave up and walked backwards and the light came closer and closer, it was just a few steps away and Tinu could see it was an open door,as she entered she saw her dad sitting on the chair with a smile telling her to come, Tinu ran to meet him but before she could get halfway there a huge amount of blocks dropped and spelt FACTS then she was overtaken by voices saying "this doesn't exist!!! Facts Facts facts" Tinu tried to get to her dad but blocks kept falling in her in her way and a loud voice kept ringing in her head saying "THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE, FACTS FACTS FACTS,THIS DOES NOT EXIT" until Tinu broke down and fell on the side of a hole holding herself up from the tips,she shouted for help,as she looked up she saw her dad stretching out to pull her up, she tried to hold his hands but hers went right though his,she yelled out daddy and he replied "you've blocked me out with facts, you've completely forgotten about me and you think I'm no more" as he raised his legs to step on her hands to let go Alex saw her and yelled out "the blood of Jesus" then he vanished into thin air,alex rushed over to pull Tinu out of the hole and as she did the girls hugged themselves as they cried. After a while something that looked similar to a dark tv popped up and the girls past were shown to them.

"you lost both your parents" whispered Tinu sadly

"yea ... And you lost your dad" replied Alex

Then suddenly the word "facts" appeared on the tv as it vanished living a white hole behind, the girls moved closer and looked into the whole, in it was the day at church when Tinu told her dad next to leave her

"dad promise me you'll never leave me, that you'll never die" said little Tinu

"honey, you know I can't do that, only God has the power to give and take life, but don't worry,even if I die,I promise you your heavenly father will never die, do you know who that is?" said tinu's dad

"GOD!!" yelled little Tinu

The hole closed up and alex looked towards Tinu

"he didn't promise you that he wouldn't die" said Alex "he said God will never die and will always be there for you "

"I guess I didn't remember that part well" said Tinu with tears dropping down her eyes "I blamed him for nothing, i.... I.....I..... I've been living in darkness for years ...." said Tinu

As Alex hugged Tinu and tried to comfort her a blinding light appeared and a thunderous voice spoke saying "my daughters the time for crying is over and the time of joy has come, Everything on earth has its own time and its own season. (ECCLESIASTES 3:1),for crying and laughing,weeping and dancing, (ECCLESIASTES 3:4 ), the time for weeping is gone and the time for laughing has come"

"God please forgive me for neglecting you for all these years, please make me yours,please make me into a new creature that serves you" said Tinu as she fell on her knees crying

"Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new. (2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 ) and Alex do not force anyone into taking your part for everyone has the freedom to show the right way or the way to destruction" said the thunderous voice " Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world. (MATTHEW 28:19, 20)"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2012 ⏰

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