Chapter XIV

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That night, Freak lay in his bed tossing and turning with memories. Memories of Kylleksterr, memories of the assassin, and memories of how he got here. Memories of that damned Citadel in the Akkala region...

As Dominic and the rest of the soldiers readied their armor and weapons they heard screams and explosions coming from outside, Guardians began their assault on the Citadel, killing all in sight. Dominic and the rest of his squad charged down the stairs leading to the bridge. A robotic leg slams into the stone sending shards flying into the air. All the soldiers draw their weapons and prepare to fight.

As the Guardian begins charging its laser, a soldier charges out only to be grabbed by the Guardian's leg and thrown off of the stairs, plummeting to his doom, another squad comes from behind and attacks the Guardian, it blats all of them away. Archers begin shooting arrows, which have little effect until one arrow hits the eye of the Guardian causing it to stumble and prematurely fire its laser, blowing a bunch of rubble and causing most of the men to stumble back, a rock almost falls on Dominic's head as a guard shoves him out of the way, taking the hit and killing him. As the Guardian smashes the side of the cliff more rubble falls, knocking the Guardian off its position and it slips down off the cliff following the soldier it threw off moments earlier.

Not wasting any time, the rest of the men charge forward down to the path leading to the bridge were more Guardians awaited. The captain of the squad split them up to take a Guardian from different angles, Dominic was paired with his best friend Axel. They all split into their groups, attacking from all angles, Dominic and Axel attacked from behind. They managed to destroy one of the Guardian's legs before it suddenly turned facing Axel, it began aiming before its head was blown off by a cannonball.

His squad continued onto the bridge in an effort to secure it so a push back may be started. As they began to fight another Guardian, a laser came in from above blowing away half the squad.

"Oh no, don't tell me they have air support!" Axel said looking up at the Guardian Skywatchers as they flew in aiming at unfortunate soldiers.

With his last breath, the captain ordered a retreat. As Dominic and Axel turned to run they felt a sudden shift, as the bridge started to collapse under them. Axel and Dominic run full speed and just barely make it. A skywatcher quickly aims at them as they run, trying to find cover.

After a moment, Axel grabs Dominic's hand and pulls him back. "What the hell are you doing!? Do you wanna get us killed!?" Dominic shouts as Axel raises his shield

"Just stay behind me!" Axel shouts as the Guardian fires. Dominic closes his eyes bracing for the impact that never came. Instead, the skywatcher fell from the sky, crashing into the ground and exploding.

Woah! What did yo- " Dominic begins, only to be pulled along by Axel who sharply tells Dominic to stay quiet. As they make their way back up the citadel Axel explains that they have to escape by any means possible. Grabbing some gear and rope, Axel ties it around Dominics waist and quickly does the same to himself, after attaching the rope to a nearby pole they begin to repel down the cliff, when they were three-quarters of the way down a Guardian skywatcher hovered down, taking aim at Dominic, "cut the rope!" Axel yells as they both saw through the only thing keeping them from falling the rest of the way down.

Dominic cuts through and falls, Axel was only a second later, but it was too late, Dominic saw the Guardian's laser hit Axel's legs as they fell Dominic hit the bottom destroying his armor and having the wind blown out of him, Axel fell beside him gasping for air, the life leaving his eyes. "...Go, run that Guardian will be here any second, and I won't be able to help"

Dominic stares at Axel as the Guardian descends and takes aim at Dominic. "Go... now it'll change its focus onto me" Axel breaths as Dominic picks up Axel's fallen shield, "no, I won't let this thing get away with this dammit!"

The guardian fires and Dominic deflects the laser, hitting the skywatcher right in the eye, downing it immediately. Dominic turns and runs over to Axel who shakily says "Shit... that was impressive, what are you anyway? Some kind of freak?" Axel let out a small chuckle before drawing breath no more.

Dominic drops the shield and runs as fast as he can, after a few hours he collapses from exhaustion in a cave.

Dominic woke up to the sounds of crashing nearby as several footsteps were heard.

"Wait!" shouted someone who Dominic saw standing at the edge of the cave. "There's someone in here..." The person, garbed in clothes that only those protecting the Royal Family wear, slowly approached Dominic, who sat up.

"What's your name, soldier?" the man asked, kneeling down beside Dominic.

"I'm..." Dominic hesitated. "Just... call me Freak."

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