Shadows of Loneliness

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Jake was sitting at the base of a tree, along the edge of the forest surrounding the camp. He had his back to the light of the fire, looking out into the murky fog filled forest. He had just come back from a trial... A trial where he was the only one that had survived.

David had been the first to die. Hooked once and then followed after Feng saved him. Once caught, The Killer used a mori to kill him instantly.

Feng had managed to run into the Saboteur and the two of them got a gen done. Though they didn't say much. A few curt words of greeting and then silence as they worked. They quickly moved on to another one not too far away... but as soon as they got the machine to around eighty five percent complete, Feng was yanked away and carried off to a hook! Jake quickly finished the generator in a panic.

3 more needed to be completed.

Feng was rescued by Meg soon after she was hooked. This time, The Killer wasn't able to track the sneaky Gamer. Meg had stuck around to taunt and anger The Killer into chasing her. This worked for about 5 minutes!

Jake was able to find another broken machine. This must have been the one Meg was working on, as it was already about halfway repaired! With a small smirk, the young male got to work. He was careful to keep an eye and ear out for both Feng and Meg. If he saw Feng, he would need to patch her up... If he saw Meg, he would try to take over chase, give the girl a breather.

The gen that Jake was working on roared to life, quickly followed by another! Feng must have decided her injury wasn't worth treating and got onto the objective instead.

One remained.

Jake met up with Feng on accident while trying to find a generator to work on to complete this game of torture. He quickly but carefully patched her up. The wound at her shoulder from the hook was her only real injury, seeing as she was yanked from a gen.

Once patched up, Meg came sprinting by! The Killer hot on her heals! It changed targets when it saw Jake and Feng! Jake let out a low curse under his breath as he shoved Feng to her feet and yelled at her to run! He tried to taunt The Killer into chasing him... but was ignored?! They shoved past him and went straight for Feng. The Killer didn't even waist time to hit Jake! They just wanted Feng...

It clicked. Jake felt a chill run up his spine...

'Ebony Mori...' Jake thought, his body trembling.

Jake needed to find the hatch. Screw the last gen! He wanted out of this fucked up match of cat and mouse. But... He didn't have a Key. He would have to hide like a coward- like a mouse. He would have to wait for Feng and Meg to die...

'Shit... I can't do that to them...' He reasoned silently.

With a suppressed groan, Jake stuffed his chin into his scarf and grabbed a mouthful of it. This was a bit of a nervous habbit, and he trudged on, looking for the elusive Hatch as well as a generator to repair.

He hated working on the damned machines. He was better at destroying things and taking things apart. Hence why he was "The Saboteur"... Sure, he was decently handy at fixing things, creating things. But it was... easier... to break them. And he enjoyed breaking the Entity's and Killer's things. It was the only form of revenge, of payback, he was allowed to do in this cursed place.

Jake found a generator before he found Hatch... Good news though! He had seen an Exit Gate just behind him. He would get this completed and get that Gate open for the two girls!

When he had gotten about a quarter way into the repairs... Feng went down and was killed on the spot. The Killer was one-hook mori killing! Jake's nerves got the better of him and he connected two wires wrong! A shower of sparks, the machine sputtered and clanked loudly, causing the man to recoil!

"Fuck!" Jake exclaimed, somewhat loudly in a whisper-shout.

He quickly corrected the mistake. But now he was hesitant with the repairs, making it take longer! He was constantly pausing and looking around, searching his surroundings for movement. His heart was pounding in chest! But it was just fear and anxiety- not the same heartbeat racing due to Killer proximity.

With a triumphant grin, the generator finally roared to life! A blarring alarm was heard anouncing the Exits could be opened!!

An earsplitting scream of agony suddenly made Jake freeze. His heart wrenching in fear.

Meg had just been hit and she was instantly downed.

"No One. Escapes. Death..."

Jake let out a soft whimper... and ran to the Exit. He wasn't going to risk it. He refused to die this round. He didn't deserve it! He had done almost all the work to get out! Sure... Meg had kept The Killer busy... and he felt bad...

But as the Gate blared its alarm for being opened, Meg screamed again as she was hooked! It was close! Could he..?

The Killer apeared around the corner of some decayed walls. Jake clenched his jaw, his fists...

And ran out the gate.


The lonely walk back to camp was filled with silence. He felt horrible. But there was nothing he could have done! Once back at camp... he just sat by a tree along the forests edge...

He sat there. Alone...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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