Peace out hosptial

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Ethan: So Olivia, tell us about yourself while we are here.

Liv: Please, call me Liv and I'm 19. I have a brother and sister who live back home with my parents in SanFran, I moved here a week ago, and I love Coffee and grilled cheese! Oh and also I moved here to get some modelling shoots, but you already knew that. 

Ethan: Who's your favourite youtuber??

Liv: I'm seriously not saying this becase you guys are here but Dolan twins, James charles, Emma chamberlain, and David Dobrik.

James: Bitch I love you so much already and I barely even know you!

Liv: What time is it?

Ethan: 4:15, why?

Liv: Don't you guys have somewhere to be?

James: Not really, but i'm kind of hungry. The nurse said we could leave whenever you're ready. She just has to give you some pain meds. I know a place where they have awesome grilled cheese if you're up for it?

Liv: Hell yea! That's awesome thank you guys. 

15 minutes later getting into James' car...

Holy crap. James Charles hit me with his car. Ethan Dolan gave me blood that saved my life! And now I'm getting food with them. What a day!!

James: we're here. But it's packed. Do you mind if we just go through the drive through?

Liv: Of course not!

James: Okay, so three grilled chesse's and three milkshakes?

Liv: Sounds good to me, how much do i owe you?

Ethan: Bro, we hit you with a car, and got your interview cancelled. I think we can pay for your food.

After ordering the food we ate in James' car and we had a great time. I took a couple selfies with them. This was the best day of my life. I'm sad it's ending. It seriously felt like I had known these guys forever. But after today I will never see them again, what can i say? They're famous! Plus they probably only stayed with me all day because they felt bad. As we are driving I show them the way to my apartment and get out of the car.

James: Hope you feel better girl! Have an amazing sister sleep!! 

I walk back up to my room still in a bit of pain. I take my meds and almost instantly feel better, but tired. I change, and get into bed and watch some Gossip girl. I close my laptop. I really hope that today was not just a dream.

Omg, I am getting so many more ideas as I go along! This is amazing! Thank you guys so much for reading. Write something down in the comments. Was it a dream? Will she ever see them again??

Also want to give a shoutout to a couple of people that have such amazing stories. Please go check them out they are all so good

      lovinggrant       dolantwinsimagine28    -TIMOTHEE-

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