Good morning beach

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I wake up around 9:30 and Emma is already awake sitting on her phone

Emma: morning, look at the picture Grayson posted

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tagged: @ethandolan @liv.wilson @emmachamberlain 

graysondolan: only picture we got before we split minus James

jamescharles: sorry not sorry

➢graysondolan: yea yea

ethandolan: k but why aren't you wearing sunglasses?

➢graysondolan: bc it was night time, why r u guys wearing sunglasses

emmachamberlain: my hair is wow- oh wow

➢graysondolan: there is literally nothing wrong with it

liv.wilson: we kinda cute doe

➢graysondolan: especially me 

dolanstans: omg omg!! Ethan and Emma are holding hands lowkey

➢user15:  liv and gray are lookin kinda cute too

Emma: good morning bitches it's day two of Hawaii and yesterday was so crazy but we are getting ready to go for breakfast. 

Liv: I'm starving

Emma: when aren't you?

Liv: Shut up

We leave for breakfast and we meet the boys downstairs

Liv: So James what happened with Luke

James: Nothing much, just yk hooked up

Liv: You fucked him?

James: I'm not that much a whore, we just made out and did some other things

Liv: damn

James: What about you and Nick?!

Liv: we made out and that's it

Emma: yea but he thought they were fucking, he told her to take off her shirt like he was a sexy master

Liv: Emma!

Grayson; What? So he told you to take of your shirt-

Liv: Grayson what is up with you lately? He thought we were fucking and when I told him no, he respected me. 

Grayson: Nothing I just want what's best for you 

Liv: well I think I can take care of that myself, thanks

Ethan: Oh shit

Liv: Hey mr. shirtless, be quiet

James: Ou Mr.shirtless?

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