Meeting the Mafia boss

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HELLO GUYS! This is my first time writing a story.. and heck yeah I’ve been really excited. But I’m not sure about certain things such as the cover of the story and stuff like that. THIS IS NOT EDITED… yet. Hahah! ENJOY~

DO NOT COPY MY WORK, i'll hunt you down! AHHAHA!


I scowled with frustration at myself in the mirror. Damn! I’ve been trying to fix my hair for god knows how long and it just couldn’t behave. ‘Ugh!’ I couldn’t stand it any longer and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I heaved a sign of relieve as soon as I look at the mirror knowing that I wasn’t going to bother about it for the rest of the day.

‘Shit!’ I mutter under my breath as I looked at the clock. It was 10 and my job interview was scheduled to be at 10.30! Starting to panic, I slipped on the dress that was on the bed knowing that my best friend, Carly had specifically chosen for me to wear for the interview. The dress wasn’t tight fitting but they hugged my skin, showing the curves of my body. Looking at the figure in the mirror, I had the urged to grab a hoodie to cover up all the bare skin. It wasn’t that bad, but I was pretty uncomfortable wearing such ‘revealing’ clothes.

Eying the clock, I grabbed my flat shoes knowing that that was the only one that I would be comfortable in and ran out of my apartment.

Luckily, there wasn’t any traffic congestion if not I would have been cursing all the way to my job interview at the Jay Enterprise Holdings.

‘Finally here,’ I murmur, noticing the large building ahead as I drive the car around the corner. It had to be at least 50 storeys to accommodate about 500 employees! After getting out of my white Toyota car, I stood on the spot gawking at the big sign, ’Vernado Enterprise Holdings ‘. I was glad that I had actually dared to sign up for a secretary post. It was pretty intimidating at first sight but I was soon over it.

Snapping out of my dreamland, I was shocked to realize that I only had 5 minutes to get into the building for the interview. Eying my watch, I started to sprint to the 10th floor, again glad that I had chosen the right footwear. I wasn’t aware of what was in front of me until I bumped into a hard ‘wall’ and the next moment, I was sprawled on the floor with my documents scattered on the floor.

‘Fuck! Today is really not my day!’ I muttered angrily, while picking up the sheets of paper.

‘Andrea?’ looking up upon hearing my name, I was drawn into a familiar pair of crystal blue eyes and a smirk across the man’s handsome face. I stare in awe, trying to figure who or where I’ve seen him before. But clearly, I wasn’t getting any answers.

Young and really attractive, He was dressed in a grey suit with a white-collar shirt on the inside, having the first 2 buttons unbutton, and showing off his broad and hard chest and had an unruly hazel brown hair.

‘I’m sorry I bumped into you. But you could have look at where you going!’ I snapped and soon enough I was biting my lips, regretting the words that came out of my mouth.

His smirk appeared wider on his face as he seemed amused by my reaction and chuckled raising his right hand to brush against my lips. I jolt back in surprise as soon as his skin came in contact with my lips . Feeling the heat surges, I stepped back and brought my hand across his face. Never, have anyone touch me except for my parents.

4 people behind him, which seem to be his bodyguards wanted to step forward but halted as man raised his hand to them to assure them that he was all right. Knowing that I was somewhat in trouble, I bit my lips harder as the tension rises. He had a sense of authority around him causing me to shudder in silence.

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