The backyard

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Damian and Owen walked slowly and as quiet as they could, since Owen was a big size boy and would get out of breath soon. They crossed a short fence, which divided backyards of Owen and his neighbors and stepped into water. Damian was so surprised that he almost yelled and Owen squeezed his hands. They were standing in the middle of the backyard, which wasn't grass, as it sure looked like. It was thick green liquid that was moving around their ankles like some kind of snake, and it was warm. Very comfortable, actually, if they disregard the fact that they are standing in some alien substance which moves around their feet and swallows them bit by bit. They were sinking fast.

One of the lights approached them and disappeared as quickly as it came. But, just a few seconds later, they were surrounded by them; small glowing creatures. They were very small creatures, not fishes, but not bugs as well. They swam very quickly and changed positions, so Damian could hardly have a proper look at one, they were all moving around him and Owen.

After a few seconds of fuss, all of them left on some deeper area, and just one came back and showed up in front of the two boys. It spoke to them on some strange language, but, somehow, they were able to understand. Afterwards, they will find out that the liquid they were standing in was some kind a translator. If you stand very long in it, you can become a small creature like them. They are the Creatures of the Past, been here for a thousand of years, invisible to humankind, except to some children. Those, who see their lights, those are special kind of humans, and they get to have a choice: To become like them, or to return to their normal lives.

Damian and Owen saw how Earth was created, and how those Creatures of the Past helped to create modern history. How they saved humankind for countless times from distinction and annihilation. They were the real Guardian Angels of all people. And were offering to them to become immortal like them. Living at the plain sight, but invisible to most. Helping and providing a life to all humankind, which is so vulnerable without their protection.

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