Grown ups don't listen

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- "Did you talk to your mother? What did she say?"

Damian sits on the bed and sighs, disappointed by this morning's conversation.

- "I tried, you know. But grown-ups, they just don't listen as they should."

Owen became worried.

- "So, if you can't tell your mother, and I can't say to my parents, that leaves us alone in this matter", he concludes and press a palm onto his belly. He is not aware of it, but, when he is seeking of inner-piece, he presses his belly. It is a habit.

- "Yes. I believe we need to find it out alone first, and then, if we discover something, tell the parents about", Damian said and looked through the window, to Sheila's backyard. She is not the only reason why they are lurking the house next-door. Although, she is taking a proper space in his mind. Owen and he found out that something odd is going on at night at her backyard. It all started when they saw some lights, two weeks ago. At first, they presumed they are from fireflies, but they were a bit too large for bugs. And, they were forming shapes and letters in the grass visible only from above.

Cellar of the house next-door, for example.

Or some flying object.

At first, they didn't noticed the shape of letters, but, after third or fourth evening, they started to write down the changing shapes, out of pure curiosity to see how it will end up. The shapes were changing every 10 seconds. They know because they measured it by Owens stopwatch that he got for present last birthday. So, now, after two weeks, they knew a lot about mysterious lights in the neighbor's backyard, except what are they? And, to whom are they sending their message? It was one sentence that was repeating over and over, but it scared them. They spent the last few days trying to figure out what to do and to ask someone adult what would this mean, but it turned out that adults aren't quite perceptive for mystery and night adventures. So, the boys decided to try one more time with Damian's mom, who is the most-friendly of all parents, and, if it will not work, they will just go and see for themselves who is producing lights and that disturbing message.

-"So, we are going tonight?"

Owen wanted one more confirmation, just to be sure.

Damien confirmed and took his backpack. It was full of stuff of a young man and toys, as he is crossing the borderline in this age. He made some noise going through all of that, and finally, pulled out what he was looking for. A small notebook, the kind the detective on TV shows have. Damian wrote everything they saw so far in it, and he was about to write a last log before the nightfall.

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