1.14 until we meet again

136 21 43

Namjoon focus

"Instruct your men that whichever officer or soldier dares to strike without an order will be beheaded by my own hand," Namjoon growled while he hurried towards his horse with general Park behind him. "I know the burning excitement before a battle, but it shall not be us who shed the first blood."

Hwon had decided to take the risk after two of three nights, and Namjoon had been forced to leave his breakfast behind because one of their spies had come back to report that the enemy was preparing for battle. Their own officers had already been informed and their own camps were hurrying to prepare for the slaughter that was no doubt about to take place.

"Are you intending to insult me, your highness?" general Park asked with furrowed brows before he leaned towards a soldier who had just arrived by their side and was whispering into the general's ear. When the young man left, the old man's mood seemed much brighter.

For a moment Namjoon was confused by the gray tiger's question and change in demeanor. "Of course not, you are the most capable man to lead my army," he answered then.

Park mounted his horse with the vigor of a young man. "Then why is his highness questioning my men's discipline?"

Namjoon followed the other in motion and sat in his saddle. "Forgive me my mal-considered words, general Park," he apologized. "It seems my inexperience caused me to be blinded by concern." His last sentence had come out as more of a question than a statement.

Park snorted and grinned his smile of yellowed teeth. "His highness will grow today, for that he shall be greater tomorrow."

Namjoon narrowed his eyes. "Now it is general Park who is insulting me," he murmured, still confused with the man's sudden change.

"I would not dare," the old tiger answered with a grin and pulled at the reigns to gallop forwards. Why was the general so energetic? Was Namjoon dreaming and in reality everything was quiet outside of the temple?

"General!" he called after the older and tried to catch up without trampling any of the soldiers around the temple who were also hurrying to the stables in full armor.

"Bring tea and my older son to the pedestal!" the old man shouted at one of the soldiers who sprinted off to comply.

"General!" Namjoon shouted again, this time angry with the older. "Explain yourself!" he demanded.

Park turned towards him. "But why, your highness? Have you not foreseen it all?" he asked mischievously.

"Foreseen what?!" Namjoon wanted to know.

"You predicted that Hwon would be scared off for the first day by your arrogance and for the second by our camps, and once he would consider striking, Goguryeo forces will be here to help us. His highness should consider divination as a free time activity," the general said delighted.

"Bang is here?" Namjoon asked relieved and slightly disbelieving. If the troops from Jecheon had already arrived, that would mean that their leader had pushed them even harder than Silla had pushed their soldiers. They deserved a big compensation.

"He is, your highness. We only need to stall Hwon for some time," the old man answered and pulled another soldier over. "Send a messenger to Hwon to request another meeting!"

The man ran off to fulfill his order.

Namjoon could not believe his luck, yet. For a moment he wanted to find officer Bogum to thank him for his help and congratulate him, but then he remembered that this was not over, yet. He focused again. "Let us bring this to an end."

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