Chapter 17: Win or Lose

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(Aizawa and Denki are brothers XD) (and please chose Win or lose cauz i can't continue the story otherwise)

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(Aizawa and Denki are brothers XD) (and please chose Win or lose cauz i can't continue the story otherwise)


Third person's P.O.V:

The game ended and you won, surprisingly. But the league wasn't too happy about it. Shigaraki stared at you with furrowed eyebrows and a scowl on his face.

Shigaraki- I thought you said that you never played?!

You- Well...i haven't. Maybe it was just luck i guess?...

Shigaraki stood up and slammed his hands on the table while being mindful to not put all 5 fingers.

Shigaraki- This is unfair! You cheated!

Kurogiri- Calm down Shigaraki. We made a deal and they won. No need to get angry.

Shigaraki stood straight and started scratching his neck furiously.

Shigaraki- Fine but I don't want to see their face any longer. "Untill i capture them forever at least" Twice, you take them.

Twice- Sure!" More time spent with them!" Hey but why do i have to everything?! "But I don't like them!"

Shigaraki scratched a bit harder and glared at Twice.

Shigaraki- Just do it.

You just kept staring back and fourth inbetween the two.

Then Twice took out a cloth and before you could react, you were out like a light.

Twice took you bridal style but then hesitated and threw you over his shoulder like a sac of potatoes. Then he started mumbling stuff like "this isn't right" or "they could be safer" untill he reached your home and put you in your bed.

He was about to leave but turned back around and lifted his mask to give you a kiss on the forehead. After that he left with you sleeping peacefully behind.

Shigaraki's P.O.V:

They'll come back soon enough. For now, I wait for them to break.

Twice's P.O.V:

They're not safe with the U.A kids. I could protect them. But do they mind? Of course not! Maybe?

Dabi's P.O.V:

We could've just kept them. But no, we respect rules. Ha! We're villains! Who cares?! They'll come back to me anyway.


You ended up losing the game and having to stay with the league for as long as they wish.

They smirked at their victory and stared at you in the eyes which was creeping you out.

You- U-Um so what do we do now?

Dabi got up, went right next to your ear and whispered.

Dabi- You stay here forever~

Shigaraki- Now now Dabi, don't annoy our roommate. We wouldn't want to disturb them.

Dabi moved away from you and stood leaned up against the wall.

Shigaraki- So. As you lose, we can make of you as we wish~

All P.O.V:

They're mine now.


Very short, I know. But I need to know if you want the reader to win or lose. And if they lose, what are they at the league of villains? A maid? A villain?

Please tell me in the comments!

Otherwise i'll have to do one of those dreaded A/N's DUN DUN DUUUUUUN!

Hope you enjoyed!

- Your Weird Author

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