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*has bags under eyes* I just want to sleep!!! Why are you doing this to me, Alya?!?!?! Because I want answers! Enjoy!

[Madison POV]

We turned to the front door to see an akuma. Kids were rushing towards shelter.

"Awesome!! My first akuma!!" I shouted.

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into the locker room. I turned to see Tyler. I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Why did you pull me away? I wanted to see it!!" I whined. Tyler stared at me like I had three heads.

"That was an akuma!!" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. So?" Tyler looked like he was going to kill me. He pulled on his hair as he turned his back to me. I turned on my heel and walked out of the locker room.

The akuma was maniacally laughing on top of the railing above me. She had red pupils, black irises, and dark pink sclera. She also had dark pink skin, curly red heart-shaped hair with a black middle that looked like a crack, red heart-shaped lips, and a curvaceous body. She had a black mask that looked like a broken heart over her eyes. She was wearing a black jumpsuit that covered her arms and legs. Narrow red lines went down her puffed sleeves and puffed shorts, and they made a broken heart design on her chest. Her shoes were high heels, having red heels and pointed dark pink tips to her toes. She had a red broken heart necklace and red broken heart earrings.

Ivan was hiding Mylene under a bench. The akuma shot Ivan and Mylene with dark pink lasers, and they started shouting insults at each other, tears rolling down their cheeks.

"That's right! Now everyone will know what my broken heart feels like!!" the akuma monologued. I rolled my eyes. What is with all the monologuing with villains?

Suddenly, a ladybug-themed yoyo hit the akuma in the arm. I looked up to see Ladybug on the roof of the school.

"Sorry, but no one's heart is getting broken today!" Ladybug shouted, yoyo in hand. I smiled to myself.

"We'll see, Ladybug!" the akuma growled, shooting dark pink lasers at Ladybug. She easily dodged them.

I really wanted to help her out. But, I was just a sixteen-year-old girl who doesn't even know why she's here! I looked down at my Miraculous in realization.

I pushed the doors of the locker room open and ran into someone. I looked up to see Tyler glaring at me.

"Why were you out in the open?!" he exclaimed.

"Why didn't you come to get me?" I shot back. I stood and dusted myself off.

"You could've gotten hurt!!" he yelled at me.

"But I didn't," I said as I bopped him on the nose. I walked towards the girls' bathroom.

"Where are you going?" he questioned me. I turned to him and made sure that he saw my eye roll.

"To the bathroom, creep. So, don't do anything you would regret," I replied, turning on my heel and walking into the bathroom.

I looked around to make sure that I was alone. I opened my jacket.

"You can come out, Grayy," I told him. Grayy flew out of my inside pocket and smiled at me.

"Just say the words, Madison," Grayy commanded me. I smiled wide.

"Grayy, full moon!"

I closed my eyes as I felt magic sweep over me. I felt stronger and full of more confidence than ever before!

I opened my eyes and ran in front of a mirror to see my new look.

My brown braided hair ended near my waist. I was wearing a sleeveless gray skin tight suit with the stomach white, a gray hood with ears over my head, and gray fluff around the collar. Around my waist was a gray sash that had a white tip like a wolf's tail. I had gray elbow-length gloves with claws and gray fluffy cuffs on the wrists. I had gray knee-high boots, on my back was a small silver baton with a blue paw print in the middle, a mask with the top part gray and the bottom part white, and my white moon pendant around my neck.

"This is so awesome!!" I squealed. I opened the bathroom window, jumped onto the sill, and then climbed to the roof of my school.

SHE FINALLY TRANSFORMED!!!!! I'm such a dork!!!! Anyway, Alya will never find out the truth!!! *evil cackle* Where did that come from? *shrugs* Have a great day, my little kittens!!

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