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I 017

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I 017. I

𝑯𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔

❝ separated ❞

MORTALS HAD A FUNNY WAY OF EXPLAINING THINGS THEY COULDN'T. Such as what had occurred at Santa Monica beach. They determined that the crazy kidnapper, Ares, shot a bullet from a shotgun at a police car, so the wall of fire was just an explosion from a gas main.

They also determined that Ares had kidnapped Percy from New York along with Annabeth and Grover. It was also determined that Ariadne had been held captive for seven years and that Ares had been an abusive ex-boyfriend of her mother's, allowing them to say he still had her mother.

When asked by police if she knew where he had kept them, she shook her head. Saying he had placed a bag over her head until they were a good four hours away from where he hid them, of course they believed a sobbing kid.

And people believed everything. Saying how they caused the whole Greyhound situation to get away from their captor, how both of them couldn't have caused the Gateway Arch explosion.

The waitress from the diner used the photo the cook took to notify police, and Percy was the brave hero who battled their kidnapped with a gun-to-gun battle. Luckily, the police made it on time and no fatalities occurred.

Police took them into custody for safety reasons, and the world rejoiced that Percy Jackson and Ariadne Phoenix weren't psychopathic fugitives running around and causing explosions. She had been given a new bottle of medicine for her IED disorder and people said she wasn't a bad influence, just misunderstood.

And once the reporters told them the story, well, more like fed it to them, they just acted distraught and exhausted. Which wasn't hard. They were able to play victimized kids easily.

"All I want," Percy choked out while holding back his tears, "is to see my loving stepfather again. Every time I saw him on TV, calling me a delinquent punk, I knew... somehow... we would be okay. And I know he'll want to reward each and every person in this beautiful city of Los Angeles with a free major appliance from his store. Here's the phone number."

The reporters wanted a word from her, somehow, they had located a women who was related to her. Saying her name was Ariadne Montgomery, and she was supposedly her aunt. And it checked out. But the women had sent her a message with the police, but her father had signed it at the bottom and she knew, it was her stepmother.

Ariadne struggles to hold back tears, clutching Percy's hand as Annabeth and Grover patted her back. The girl was turning into an actress, she deserved an Oscar. "I wasn't even worried about myself, I was more worried for my friends who needed to get back home to their families. Because, well, I didn't have one." The crowed awed sadly at her words, "But once Percy finally fought off our captor, I couldn't believe that there was someone who knew my mom. And I can only hope they will find her."

𝑯𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔- 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now