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When we get to the part of the city the bats seem to be focused on, it is dark. Mitch looks around and puts his arms out, "Come to Rio, jewel of South America."

Abe looks around and points to a power pole that seems to have more on it then just a transformer, "I've seen this before, this kind of Jerry-rigged power, in poorer African villages. This place might as well be a separate city, cut off from all official services... utilities, plumbing, power, telephone service. To survive, the people are forced to improvise. Why do you suppose the bats congregate here, of all places?"

"'Cause it's less sanitary here?" Mitch shrugs, "More insects? More food for the bats? I don't know."

I nod, "We got to get ahold of one of these things, study it up close."

Chloe's phone goes off, she looks down to it, reading the message, "Gabriela was able to delay the pesticide drop until morning."

"Still doesn't give us a lot of time, does it?"

There is a gunshot down the street and we all jump, Chloe even grabbing her gun, which is on her hip, "it's okay." Abe straightens up, "They're shooting at the bats."

I start to hear bats squeaking and look around, seeing some of them hung up in a hall in the building next to us, "Mitch."

Mitch turns and steps up next to me, "ladies first."

I look back to him and sigh, before walking over to them, taking the container and tangs from Mitch. I try my best to sneak up on them and grab the smallest one, but as soon as I lift my arm they all fly away. Moving to the power pole, swarming the transformer. Chloe shakes her head, a bit confused, "what are they doing?"

"Sometimes insects like to nest in transformers. Maybe the bats are feeding."

Abe starts to step back, rather quickly, "get down!" As he shouts this, we all turn, Abe covering Chloe and Mitch covering me. Once one transformer blows, they all do, we can see the sparks in the distances as the surge moves, "Must have been a chain reaction."

As we watch the reaction, a truck pulls up and several men jump out, "what did you do?"

"Nothing." I shake my head, "we are just studying the bats."

"She's telling the truth." Chloe nods.

The man's attention goes to Chloe, "you're French?"


Abe takes a deep breath, "My friend, we don't want any trouble."

"And where are you from, big papa?"


"Gonna wish you never left."

Abe chuckles, "you might want to reconsider."

As the man steps toward Abe, Chloe steps in front of him, pulling her gun. Like Abe really needs protecting. Of course, when she pulls her gun, all the men do as well, she looks around, clearly outnumbered, "Shall we lower our weapons and have a discussion?"

"Two Americans, an African, and a French woman." Another man walks around the truck, "If you'd walk into a bar together, we'd have the beginning of a bad joke. Rio has many sights popular with the tourists, but... this neighborhood is not one of them."

"Tell your men to stand down. We're no threat to them."

"The fact that your gun is still raised says otherwise."

"Chloe, please lower your gun." Abe slowly taking out his wallet, "Perhaps we should pay these men for their time. A token of our inconveniencing them."

Love in the Midst of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now