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Ag Pov
I sit on the floor leaning my body on the bed.. the room was dark and quiet.. it gave me space to breath.. and it also gave me time to realize how I just fucked up the best relationship I will ever have.. FUCKKKK

Someone knocks on my door.. I say softly "Go away".Avery speaks up and says "you okay?". I walk up to the door and peek a little crack so I can Avery and she can see me I smile and say "yeah I'm okay"

Before I closed the door,Avery walks in and closes the door behind her.. I sigh and say "Avery I'm fine". Avery stares me down and say "no you're not"

HOW IN THE FUCK DID SHE KNOW IF I WAS OKAY OR NOT.. I put a smile on my face.. maybe I need to laugh or some shit

Avery says "Ag.. Why did you have to fuck up everything". I flop on my bed and say "I don't fucking know..I really don't". Avery says "so..are you going to fix you and Noelle problem or lay here like a little bitch".

I HAVE TO BE HONEST.. Avery is a good friend..BEST FRIEND- actually.. lately Mia hasn't been there for me and I understand why- I'm not mad or anything but- JEEZ

Avery says "I'm waitingggg". I sit and say "I'm going to sit here like a little bitch". Avery shakes her head and say "see that's really not an option". She grabs my arm pulling to the car

Noelle Pov
I change into something trying my best not to freaking break something..cause this isn't my house..

^what you changed into•I go downstairs eating party food cause we didn't have ice cream

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^what you changed into

I go downstairs eating party food cause we didn't have ice cream.. I turn on the tv and watch romance movies.. I sigh wishing I had what these people had in these cheesy movies

Ag pov
    We arrive at Noelle playlist house.. I sigh and Avery looks at me and says like my mom "what are you waiting for get the hell out the car".

Avery and I explain how I was going to get home, cause she had to go back to the party.. she leaves the car at Noelle playlist house and call an Uber back our playlist house

I knock on Noelle door hoping she would answer

Noelle pov
    I hear on a knock on the door hoping it was Bailey so she could cheer me up.. I pause "The kissing booth", and answer the door without looking I say "Hey Bailey"

But- I realize a voice that wasn't Baileys I turn around and it was Ag.. I look down trying my best not to cry or yell so I say kindly "Hi"

Ag lifts my head up and say "Noelle-I'm so sorry.. that I thought we could be just friends in that matter friends with Benefits.. You never realize how bad you fuck up until your alone"

Tears stream down my face.. happy that she apologized and also sad that she might not want wanna be around me.. I cut her off and say "so you-you don't want to be around me"

She sighs and say "Hell-No I want to be around you.. it's impossible not to", I smile looking at that causes her to smile.. I say happy "I'm sorry to.. that I agreed". Ag says "well I'm just going to go now".

I nod my head as she walks out to the car I yell before she open the car door "AG". She turns around and say "Noelle?". I smile and say "not going to give me a good night kiss".

Ag smiles and walks to me..her lips touching mine she grabs her me the waist as I my faces touch her face still kissing her..I can tell she's asking for permission to kiss me with tongue.. I nod my head letting her.. this is the longest we ever kissed

Ag walks in the house.. closing the door behind her.. she takes me upstairs to a room.. flops on the bed kissing my neck LEAVING A MARKs

And yeah you Yk what happened after I'm not finna Explainnn

𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒;𝖺𝗀 𝗆𝖼𝖽𝖺𝗇𝗂𝖾𝗅Where stories live. Discover now