chapter 16

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Callie's pov:

"Callie why have you been ignoring me?" Noah asked getting closer to me, stopping me from walking to my next class.

I was waiting for Ruel at my locker because we're going together for our next class when Noah came up to me.

"Leave me alone" i said softly, i was about to walk away from him when he grabbed my arm.

"No, unless you tell me why you've been ignoring me" his grip on my arm tightened.

"You're hurting me, let go of my hand" i was wiggling my arm in his hand trying to free myself from his hold but clearly i was struggling because he got a strong grip.

A loud voice boomed on the halls "HEY! LET GO OF HER YOU FUCKING DICK!" Ruel growled loudly, walking fast towards us.

He took a hold of Noah's shoulder and swing a hard punch on his jaw.

My mouth dropped open in shock as i stood there frozen "She told you to let go of her you fucking dumb fucktard" my boyfriend growled at him swinging another punch.

I snapped out of it and stepped towards trying to stop Ruel from punching before he gets caught by a teacher.

"What the hell is happening here! Everyone get to class except for you three!" Mr.Andrews angrily said and pointed his finger at us.


"Can someone tell me what happened?" the principal, his eyes shifting between the three of us.

No one said anything, he cleared his throat "I don't want this to happen again understood?" he said sternly.

"But it doesn't mean that there are no consequences. For you Mr. Thompson you'll have 2 detentions. As for you two i might have to give you both a suspension" he said.

"What?! How come she gets suspension? She didn't even do anything" Ruel stood up from his chair angrily and i held his arm trying to calm him down.

"I don't have to explain myself Mr. Van Dijk, you can show yourselves out" he pointed to the door of his office.

I turned around and was about to exit the office pulling Ruel's arm along but he didn't budge.

"No. With all due respect sir I'm not going to go unless you take back her suspension, she doesn't deserve it. She didn't even do anything. He was harassing HER " he said emphasizing the 'her'.

"You can either leave or I'll add more days to both of your suspension" the principal said with a loud voice.

I pulled Ruel to me "Babe let's just go" i whispered to him.

He glared at the principal and scoffed loudly "Dick" he muttered under his breath as we were getting out the door.

"I'm sorry that i got you in trouble" he turned to me and held my arms.

"You shouldn't be sorry Ruel. In fact i should thank you for saving me from Noah" i smiled at him holding his cheek.

He sighed "Why the fuck is the principal here so unfair?"

"They're related" i told him.

He furrowed his eyebrows "Who is?" he asked.

"Noah and Mr.Oliver" i answered.

"So that's why that motherfucker gets away with everything in school. Whilst mr.dick gives him minor consequences" he cussed. "Detention my fucking ass" he mumbled.

I chuckled at his frustrated state. "Don't mind those idiots" i leaned up to him and kissed his cheek and intertwined our hands.

"You want to eat burgers?" he asked and i nodded my head furiously.

He laughed at me "Ok hungry let's go" he got his car keys out of his pocket.


"Fuck this is good" i moaned as i took another bite of my four-cheese burger.

"You got something over here" he wiped the cheese beside my lips.

"Thank you baby" i smiled.

"Aren't your parents going to wonder why you're not coming to school for two days?" He asked.

I shrugged "They're not always home anyway. Or if they know the reason why they might talk to Mr.Oliver" i drank my smoothie "What about you hm?"

"I'm pretty sure they'll understand" he said "hopefully" he mumbled.

"You'll be fine" i reached across the table and grabbed his hands and started to play with his long fingers.

I looked at him and he was already staring at me "What?" I asked, starting to feel insecure.

"You're so beautiful" he said softly.

Heat warmed up my cheeks as they started to blush.


Everytime I'm at my special place i feel at ease, i feel peaceful and now that I'm with Ruel it made it twice as special.

"I love you" he whispered against my lips rubbing our noses together.

"I love you" i tell him back.

I love this when it's just us two with no care in the world. My heart is beating fast and it was fluttering.

I was sat between his legs and I'm leaning against his chest.

"I think I've never asked you this but what do you wanna be?" Ruel asked me.

"I want to be a doctor. The reason why is because i want to help many people as possible and make them healthy, i also want to be a journalist" i explained.

"I want to be a basketball player or a singer, but it's kind of hard to get there you know what i mean? I feel like it's impossible" he said.

I took a hold of his hand "Babe nothing is impossible, you have an amazing voice if i had a record label I'd sign you up instantly. When you become a famous singer just remember that I'll always be your number one fan ok?" I smiled.

"Hell you're not even famous yet and I'm already your number one fan" it was true, everytime i think about him i just start fangirling.

He hugged me tight telling me 'thank you'.


This is just a filler chapter. I'm having a serious writer's block in this story but I'll update as much as i can. Thank you for reading my story😚

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