Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5


I woke up feeling really excited,lessons started to day! Yay. its was 6:10 so i had 2 hours till lessons, i hopped out of bed and wen to my closet,i pulled out my uniform and stuck it on,in disgust. I put my hair in a bun and put on a little bit of eyeliner.i looked alright. I pulled on some creepers and went and got some breakfeast, Weetobix yummy.

Lily had already left,Kayleigh was asleep and Yazmin was playing vidoe games.

I went and looked at my timetable,langues first,LangueS what i though it was langue not s oh well.

I took a look around and said bye to Yazmin.I went into Kaylie's room and woke her up.

"thanks a million"

"oh dont worry i just though you might like to know its 30mins till lessons start."

"oh oh thanks hun."


I went out into the corriders,there were loads of girls around, i thought i should go to my lesons,well find it. So i went down to3 flights of stairs as i was floor 5 and i landed on the first floor which was good cause thats where my langues lessons is,i loooked around, i quickly spotted room 7 i went in and sat and one of the desk near the back.

A ginger girl with the longets hair in the world(longer then mine) beautiful green eyes and freckles came and sat next to me.



"Leigh,how long u been here?"

"2 days"

"oh lol. so you are new too."

"heard this teacher is well strict,and yea."


A youngish women walked in,she looked about 25 great.

"this year girls we will be learning french,take out the french text bookes and look at page 3-34"

then she was gone out.


"kaye,where she go?"

"she leaves you,she thinks your better alone."


Well french was fun we all sat in silence reading text books.

next was maths room 25 floor 2. That was at the top of the stairs,

"kaye what you got next?"

"maths room 25."

"me too."

"oh well see you there,"

i arrived at maths with 20 seconds to spare,i took my seet next to kaye again.

a man in his 60(yes that old) came in he wrote on the board a number and chucked us text books.

"um kaye,whats all this text book stuff?"

"well they only do like activites in morse code,photography,spying,,misission practise, so yea get used to it"


How did kaye know all this?

the rest of the lesson was spent reading and writting,so funn....

i had a 10 minutes break next so i decided to go and sit in the classroom,10 minutes wasnt enough to do anything.

I had sciene and english next.


In science i sat next a girl with bob red headed girl  and hazel eyes,she was pretty,but i could tell i had won this one,i had at least 10 glances from people. all we did was disectt a caterpillar,and im not sure why.

I had english after that,great fun i sat by myself. ha. we read from a book called 'the under water pinapple' it was great fun,NOT!


I had a 1 hour break next,i decided to go imto town for lunch. I didnt get changed,I just went in my uniform,whats the point im gonna have to chage for morse code later. I went into town,i didnt go to zizi's i went to cafe nero. I had the glances from lads and girls whispering and pointing,well that there fault not mine.I ordered a latte and a choclate brownie. It was nice,really nice. After that i decided to go back as it was nearly lessons again,time went soo quickly round hear.

Morse code,level 1 room 15,yay. I knew Kaye was in this lessson,which iss good.

We took seats near morse machines,a man of about 60 walked in,well more of a shuffle,but yea. He oviously knew it all.

i was so happy i finally had a hands on lesson, well it wasnt that hands on we got taught all the keys and then we where aloud to muck about and morse code out partners somtihg,my was a fat looking girl,ginger hair freckles and glasses.

i morsed her

"yo whats ya name then?"

"westaley,ur leigh."

"how do you know?!"

"well everyone knows as your more a less a super model,but i would be careful when we do mission practise with th lads,"

"how do you know tat!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"just do,but we are doing missions but then as you might have picked up boyes get involved so we all have a boy exept they pic us,and thats us for a year."


The chat carried on,but soon it was time to pack up, i packed up then i asked west(as we deiced) to come swimming with me,

"yea course,i cant swim thou,"

"so,meet you in 20 yea?"

"yea see you."

i turned around and went upto the dorm,Yazmin was playing games,Kayie was out and well lilly was probally in lessons still as she is a rookie.

I grab my black leggings and a denim shirt,i got my makeup bag and starightners. and my bikin and i went down to swim, west was already there in a swimming coustume,she was a little lumpy,you could tell. but i wasnt mean enough to tell her. i ordered nachos for us both,we got into the pool and talked and talked and talked until a nice little subject crept up,,

"prom this year with the boyes from the missions,"

"but i would have thought that they had at least 5 girls,"

"no just you, gosh leigh your gonna get picked loads,i wont."

"of course you will your beautfil,"

"dont lie,"

"im not.."

so we sat and smiled at eachother,i knew me and west wouldnt be close.


After swimming i got changed and went upstairs,Lily was going out she asked if i wanted to come,i said no ofcourse. i just got straight into bed and slept.


thanks for reading guys,now im goning to skip a few days a bring them straight to mission practise, but rember its only my first book.

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