One Direction meets For;your Amu5ement

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Fabia's POV

"Laughing so damn hard

Crashed your dads new car

All the scars we share

I promise, I swear..."

Fabrianne was just finishing up her part in "Oath" by Cher Lloyd. Let me just say something.. this is definitely our song. All 5 of us. Wait, before we get anywhere, how about I introduce myself then everyone else?

My name is Fabia Ilaria Ierne. My sisters and I are Latina. I know right? Well, Fabia means 'Bean grower'! My mother hates me. Haha! Ilaria means 'one who is merry', which definitely matches my personality. That's where my mother showed her love me! I love her too. I have a twin sister; Fabrianne Imogen Ierne. Fabrianne means 'resourceful or craftswoman', Imogen means 'image of her mother' which is true. We really do look like our mother. We have light brown hair that is super straight and light brown eyes. We are petite; curves in all the right places, might I add. We have tan skin, although people tell us we're white. Well, in some places we are; our thighs and forearm. We are both really good singers too! I also play the keyboard. Fabrianne plays a little guitar. Oh yeah, we're 20-years-old and our birthday is on April 14, 1992.

The other 3 sisters are triplets. We look totally different. The triplets are Fascienne, Faustine, and Flora. Fascienne's full name is Fascienne Imperia Ierne. Fascienne means 'black'. I never understood that.. Imperia means 'the imperial one.' Faustine's full name is Faustine Irma Ierne. Faustine means 'the fortunate one' and Irma means 'noble.' The name really does fit her. Flora's full name is Flora Innocentia Ierne. Can you guess what her name means? Flora means 'flower' and Innocentia means 'innocent.' My mom is really good at picking names! They really fit us! Anyways, their birthday is on November 1st, 1994 and they're 18-years-old. They have dark brown, wavy hair and dark brown eyes. They are petite and have curves just likes Fabrianne and I's. They all have GOLDEN skin. That's right, golden. I told you we look different. Fascienne plays bass, Faustine is the lead guitarist, and Flora is the drummer.

Now that I'm done introducing everyone, we are all in a band called 'For;your Amu5ement'. Fabrianne and I came up with the name. We're the lead singers while the rest harmonize. I swear, sometimes we sound like Mariah Carey! Well, we are currently playing 'Oath'. Uh, actually, we just ended playing 'Oath'.

"That... Was... AWESOME!!!" Faustine yelled. 

"Faustine, you say that everytime we're done playing a song!" I yelled back. It was true..

"Oh whatever... I still think we were pretty amazing."

"GIRLS! DINNER IS READY!" Our mother yelled from downstairs. Oh god, dinner is ready! We all raced down toward the kitchen which was like, 5 master bedrooms long! Oh yeah, should I tell you about the house? I'm going to anyways. On the first floor is the kitchen, a restroom, the living room, and the nerf room. Yes, a nerf room. Mom and Dad had that specially made for Faustine and I. On the second floor was our bedrooms and the studio we had for rehearsing our covers of songs. We like to call it the 'Band Room.' It was at the very end of the hallway that curved as you walked. Fabrianne and I's rooms are on the right side of the hallway and Fascienne, Faustine, and Flora's are on the left. Our bedrooms are all master bedrooms, so our house is huge. On the third floor is our parents' room. Now, THEIR room is huge! My dad started a business, and from there on it built up. Our mother is a lawyer, so we are pretty damn wealthy.. The band room is black and white, Faustine's room is a light green, Fascienne's room is a soft baby blue, Flora's room is a light shade of hot pink, Fabrianne's room is regular pink, and my room is light purple. Our parents' room is beige. The kitchen is red and white, so it looks pretty modern. The living room has really nice furniture, so our house looks very, VERY casual. Not too fancy, not too ghetto. Our lawn is as big as a soccer field! Of course we took advantage of it and turned it into a soccer field. We love soccer! Back to dinner!

"EW! Beans?! Mother, you know how much I HATE beans!" I whined... My name meant 'Bean grower' and I hate beans. Ironic, huh?

"Fabia, stop whining and just push it aside!" Fabrianne said. 

"So, how was your rehearsing, girls? You sounded pretty good!" Dad asked.

"It was amazing!" Faustine said.

"FAUSTINE!" my sisters and I yelled at her. She just giggled and continued eating.

Well, that's it for the introduction! I'll try to have the first chapter up later tonight. Can you guys comment how to say 'Can I have paper?" in another language? It's kind of my thing *smirk*. Haha, bye!


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