Chapter 3 - Memories of Magic

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Elsa sat at her window looking up at the sky, the aroura was dancing among the stars.
It had been a full month since Hiccup left to be with his real family.

Elsa pondered on the thought, real family, wasn't she Hiccups family, didn't she spend every waking hour with him when they were together.

She didn't want to admit it, but she was in love with the boy, he was everything to her.
The night Hiccup was taken her parents had explained that Hiccup wasn't her actual sibling and in fact was adopted.

Elsa didn't really understand why Hiccup had to be with the dragons, but had the vague idea that if he stayed here his powers might become uncontrollable.
Elsa started to reminisce back on all the fun times she and Hiccup had experienced, smiling particularly at when Anna was only one.

~ Flashback ~

" Elsa, Hiccup, be careful with Anna she can't walk yet." Iduna told the two children from the gazebo.

The family were playing on a hill near the Garden where Iduna and Agnar were currently in a meeting.

" We will mummy." Hiccup states helping Anna onto a sled constructed of rock he had made.

Elsa was behind the pair ready to push them down the hill.
Hiccup nodded to Elsa and she made an ice slide under the stone sled, she pushed hard on the sled and it flew down the hill.

Elsa suddenly forgot to make a snowbank at the bottom of the hill, she ran after the sled but was to late.
The sled flew off the end of the slide and was suspended for a few seconds.

Suddenly Hiccup thrust his hands forward creating a snowbank under him as he jumped off the sled and landed quite comfortable in the soft powder.
Elsa ran to her brother and saw that Anna was clapping her hands laughing and Hiccup was laughing so hard he was crying.

Elsa started to snicker once she saw how much snow was in Hiccups hair and that it was making it stick up in different directions.

" Hiccup your hair is all over the place." Hiccup sat up and put Anna next to him, he started running his hands through his hair trying to get the snow out.

" Well, I guess it's payback for the last time I threw a snowball at you," Hiccup exclaimed, throwing some snow at Elsa.

~ End of Flashback ~

Elsa giggled at the memory and continued looking out the window, wondering.
If Hiccup was really enjoying life where he was and if she would ever get to see him ever again.

~ Line Break ~

Hiccup sat on a crystal pillar looking up at the waterfall that fell down from the ocean above.
He was thinking about Elsa and Anna, wondering how sad they must be.

His memories of them were slowly slipping away, as if his life there had never happened, all he could remember was Elsa and Anna.
He knew that returning was impossible, his father said that in a few years he would be able to search the world above.

For now, he would just have to perfect his skills and learn to control his powers so they don't control him.
His father had told him that the night they found him, the fire within him had started to take a toll on his psyche.

Dragons called it " the savage cry" it was when his emotions would become too much and begin affecting his abilities.
His first day of training was by far the toughest thing he had ever done.

His father had pushed him hard to master the basic abilities of each dragon and in the end, he collapsed into his nest and slept for the rest of the day.
By the end of the week, he had mastered the basics of dragon abilities and already knew how to calm himself down if he got angry.

He heard his mother land on the pillar he was on and slightly shuffled back from the edge, she crooned.

" Hiccup what are you doing up this late, it's already dusk." The Fire Queen asked him, he stood up and faced her with a smile.

" Nothing mum, just thinking about the past week." He climbed into her forearms and she flapped her wings heading for their nesting cave.

" Well, I would have to say I am impressed with your progress this week my son." Hiccup cuddled close to her, smiling.

" Though it will only get more challenging as you grow." Hiccup nodded, even though he was only five he had a lot of responsibility on his shoulders.

The Queen landed in her nesting cave and carried Hiccup to the sleeping area, several of his siblings were already snoring.
Including a small male Night Fury hatchling, Hiccup and the Night Fury had bonded instantly when they met, becoming brothers.

He felt a connection to the orphaned dragon knowing what it was like to not know who your real parents were.
Hiccup smiled as he remembered the first time he met the hatchling.

~ Flashback ~

Hiccup was running down a dirt path as fast as his little legs could carry him, what he was running from was a mystery he just had to find a place to hide.
He spotted an alcove between tow coral plants and decided to hide there, he squeezed through the small gap that was just big enough for him.

Once inside he noticed the alcove was a lot bigger and it was, in fact, a tunnel.
Hiccup crawled through the hiding space and eventually came to a small cove.

He walked around the small pond and took in the beauty of the place, this place is the best hiding spot Flicker and Flame would never find him here.
Hiccup walked further down the cove and soon noticed a small black bundle in the far corner, he ran over to it only just noticing it was a baby dragon.

The creature was pitch black, it had small spines running down it's back and a tiny tail with two fins protruding from the end, Hiccup decided to wake him.
Placing his hands on the hatchling he shook it with just enough force, the dragon jumped back, startled and began growling at the young Prince.

" Who are you and how did you find me?" The hatchling commanded the now cowering Hiccup.

" I'm sorry I just stumbled across this cove by accident and then spotted you over here alone, I just thought you needed a friend." The hatchling lowered his guard and padded up to the boy, sniffing him heset fish and dragon saliva.

" Your nothing, but a fishbone." Hiccup chuckled, his siblings always called him that and he didn't care.

" Well, this fishbone is your Dragon Prince." The hatchling chuckled, he like this human child, he had spunk.

" Well I am the unholy offspring of lightning and death, the most feared dragon a Night Fury." Both of them laughed, clutching their stomachs.

" You're funny and I like it, wait where are your parents?" The hatchling sadly crooned and looked towards the waterfall.

" My parents are gone, they told me to wait here till they returned with the rest of our flock, but they never came back." Hiccup put his hand on the dragons back hoping to comfort him, he then got an idea.

" You could come live with my family until your parents come back." The Night Fury warbled happily.

" Really you would let me stay with you?" Hiccup nodded and the two friends climbed through the tunnel and out into the rest of the Hidden World.

~ End of Flashback ~

Since then Hiccup and the Night Fury spent every day together playing and training.
The Fire Queen was sceptical at first, but she soon cuddled up to the new addition and eventually started calling him her son.

Hiccup now had a friend who became a brother, he wasn't alone anymore and felt loved.
Perhaps staying here wasn't so bad, he had family, he had friends, and he had his magic to remember.

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