Nominations and the judging Process

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Nominations are were you can get nominated for certain aspects of your novel/book.

You can nominate yourself. Or you can get others to do so.

The winner of each tittle will be the one with the most nominations for one of the following categories:

Best title:

Best cover:

Best blurb:

Best trailer:

Best female protagonist:

Best male protagonist:

Best antagonist:

Nominations need to be filled out on the participant forms. You can see right down the bottom that there is another form of the Participation chapter.

The person with the most nominations  will win said nomination category. (I will count up the nominations for each category).

How judging works:

Judging for all books aside from graphics and poetry is as follows:

Your cover will be judged out of 5.
Was it eye catching? Was the tittle illegible to read?

Your title will be judged put of 5.
Was the tittle creative? Did it match the story?

Your blurb will be judged out of 10.
Did it make you wanna read more? Did it allow you to get a picture of the book?

Your plot will receive a score out of 15.
Did the plot move to slow or too fast?
Did it keep you engaged and wanting to continue reading?

Your characterisation will receive a score out of 15.
Did the characters seem real? Were you able to relate to them on occasions? Did they portray emotions well?

Each book will receive a total score out of of 50.

Poetry judging process:

Title will receive a score out of 5.
Did the tittle catch your eye? Does the title correspond with the themes of the poems?

Description/blurb will receive a score out of 5.
Did the blunt give you an overall summary of the poems? Was it engaging?

Cover will receive a score out of 5.
Was the cover eye catching? Did the cover make you want to read the poems?

Literary devices will receive a score out of 10.
Did the author use literary and stylist devices such as metaphors, smilies, imagery etc to convey that message? Are the devices used to show case the authors talent?

Rhythm will receive a score out of 10.
Did the poem flow well? Did the sentence structure/layout contribute to them rhythm of the poem?

Word choice will receive a score out of 10.
Does the author vary there language in terms of word choice? Did they pair words that made there poem unique?

Overall impact will receive a score of 5.
Did the poet convey caring emotions throughout there work? Did the poems make you feel any emotions at all? Did you see any change of improvement from most recent ones to the older ones?

Graphics judging process:

Tittle will recieve a score of 10.
Is the title eye catching? Is the tittle unique?

Cover will receive a score of 10.
Is it eye catching? Is the font readable?
Does the cover make you want to look at the other graphics?

Aesthetics will receive a score of 15.
Are the aesthetics eye catching?
Do that colours go well together?
Are the aesthetics the very similar or do they make unique aesthetics for all genres?

Would I order from this shop? Will receive a score of 15.
Based on all factors would you order a graphic from this shop?

All judges are required to DM the scores out of 50 and a brief sentence for each of the sub headings for why they have received this score (based on the questions written above under each sub heading.)

Any questions feel free to comment here →

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