Figure Skating Sucks!!! (But Maybe Not That Much)

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Jack's POV
Today was the day Merida and I practice figure skating. Let me fill you up and what happened yesterday if you missed it. I found out I had a fiancée and Merida is my fiancée, Dad told us we had to be partners (in figure skating and marriage), I found out that Merida's family is royalty and that they have a vacation place somewhere here, and then we decided to meet at the frozen lake at about 8:00 P.M.. Well, right now it's 9:05 and Merida still has not shown up yet. It's a good thing it's Sunday.

"Hey Frostie." A familiar voice said.

"Eek!!" That wasn't necessary but I was too surprised. I just hope my dad isn't here or anyone else I know heard that cause if they did my reputation will be ruined.

"The way you react is so girly I can't even begin to imagine what you do when you're really scared." Yep, definitely Merida.

"That was because I was surprised. Don't sneak up on me. Also, you're late. What were you doing? Taking a one hour bath?" I was going to tell her all the other things I wanted to say and tease her more but I got interrupted by her instead.

"Well actually, Frost Bite, I can't make you that promise, I slept late, and no, I was not taking a one hour bath." Why do I get the feeling she's teasing me? Oh wait, it's probably because of that smug smile she has. And why does she keep changing my nick name? Make up your mind!!

*after 10 minutes of teasing and arguing*

"Let's just practice Frost Bite!!!" Merida fumed. She finally decides which nick name is better.

"Fine by me, Princess." I know this normally wouldn't be used as an insult but I was too annoyed with her to actually think of a good comeback. I grabbed her hand and skated toward the center of the lake. When I turned around, she was blushing.

"Let go of my hand, you idiot!!" She said. Well, at least her blush was getting lighter. I let go of her hands and guess what happened. She fell on her butt.

"Huh, who would've known?" I said sarcastically with a smirk," Shut up and help me up." She said with her face down. I helped her up.

After that, we started practicing. At first, she was a complete mess. She fell down whenever I let go and she could never get the hang of those skates. I ,however, was a natural on ice. I could twist a great twist and do a perfect twirl and I was pretty much as graceful on ice as a ballet dancer on stage. After a while, she started to get the hang of it and could actually do a slight swirl. There was this one incident during the end though.

Merida's POV
Skating is so hard. Why did our parents have to pick this sport. There are many other sports I would excel at. So why this one? Of course, the Frost Idiot is a natural. It's like he was born to skate. Well, at least I'm not falling on my butt that much anymore.

The sun was pretty much setting so we only had a few more minutes left before we go back home. I kept on practicing a little bit more. I think I started daydreaming sometime in between and I bumped into Jack. Before I had the chance to fall face first into icy waters of the lake, Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms.

As any normal girl would, I started blushing. Why he couldn't have just balanced me was hart to decipher but hey. He's an idiot.

I got up quickly. I turned my head to anywhere but him. That was weird. I've never felt that way before. It must have just been because of all the practice.

We started walking back after that. It was awkward and quiet and it seemed forever until I finally got back home. When I went in, a delicious aroma was coming from the kitchen. I quickly took off my shoes and hurried to the kitchen.

"Hey, mom! I'm back. What're you cooking?"

"Hi honey. Glad to see you're back. We're having fish stew." Mom said with a delightful grin.

When the stew was finished, we started eating.

"Hey mom? Is dad still in his chambers with his paperwork?" Lately, my dad has been in there a lot.

"Yes, honey. He is. Your father is a busy man."


"So, how was your little practice with Jack?"

"Mmmmm. To be honest, I hated falling on my butt all the time and I can't understand why it had to be this sport." I said with an irritated expression.

"Mmm." Mom said with an understanding look on her face.

When I was done, I washed the dishes and hurried to take a quick shower. After that, I just wore some random PJs and went to my room.

I lay on my bed and when I was sure no one was listening I whispered," Of course, it wasn't that bad."

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