Muggles Suck

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“Damn boy, are you a Herbology textbook?” Oliver wiggled his eyebrows.

Percy laughed and shrugged. “Why?”

“Cause you have a lot of fucking problems.”

Their session of using pick up lines on each other to see who could seduce the other quickly turned into a game of insults. And it seems that Oliver had won because Percy made a pouty face and pretended to cry.

“Babe don't cry,” Oliver joked, pressing Percy into his chest and wrapping an arm around his waist as they sat on the floor of the Gryffindor common room. The front of the fireplace seems like a place of comfort right now.

“Sorry you hurt my feelings,” Percy leaned into the touch, feeling the warmth of Oliver and the fire tickling their skin.

Everyone else had retreated into their rooms by the time they stopped making detours, so they had the place to themselves.

“I would never purposely hurt you,” Oliver whispered into his ear.

Percy shuddered at the close contact. How many times had he thought about something like this happening in year three? Way too many to accept that it's happening now.

“I would hope so.” It had been meant as a joke, but the mood changed as Oliver sighed heavily.

“Did you hear about Angelina?” Oliver asked. “She's throwing a party tomorrow for fifth year and up in the common room. All houses are allowed. And I kinda have to go.”

“Why?” Percy questioned. It wasn't an obligation to go to stupid parties. “It's not your duty or anything to please people. You don't have to go if you don't want to.”

“That's the thing,” Oliver shifted a bit so Percy rested more comfortably against him. “I kind of do. It's been a month of school already and this is the first party, so it's the biggest until the end of the year. I'm quidditch captain, so everyone is expecting me there.”

Percy still didn't understand why this meant Oliver had to go, but he agreed with it for now. “Okay. Why do you have to tell me?”

“I can't show up without my boyfriend,” Oliver rolled his eyes as if this were a simple fact. “If I do, then that'll totally raise questions about how serious we are. Cho and Marcus have to know that we're exclusive and-”

“How exclusive?” Percy asked, not wanting everyone in the damn school to think that he's banging one of their captains. That would be a difficult one to explain to his siblings.

“Not anything like that,” Oliver reassured. “Just that we're serious enough that I don't leave you in your room alone. I don't really wanna go alone anyways. I'd rather you be by my side.”

Percy groaned, absolutely hating parties. If someone threw one in the Gryffindor common room, he would retreat to his room and lock it until one of his roommates had come up after saying goodbye to the party. But one slight turn of the head and seeing Oliver's puppy dog eyes, he couldn't say no.

"I'll go to your stupid party.”

Oliver clapped his hands and he was so excited that he kissed Percy on the cheek. While they had done this many times in front of others to sell their point, it felt a thousand times more personal when it was just the two of them.

“How long is this stupid thing going to last anyways?” Percy was afraid of the answer, but still had to ask it. Just so he knows if he should get up early for that extra breakfast or stay in bed those additional five minutes.

“Well into the night,” Oliver smiled at the thought. “Which means you're stuck with me until at least midnight. Probably an hour or two after that. The parties Angelina throw don't usually stop until two or three in the morning. You've got a big storm coming.”

Percy laughed, but not too loudly or else they would wake everyone else up.

He saddened when he remembered the real reason that he was going to the party in the first place; Oliver needed to show off to Cho and Percy is trying to make Marcus jealous for no reason.

“What are you thinking about?” Oliver had either noticed Percy's determined face, or he had accidentally said something out loud.

“What happened with you and Cho?” Because if he's dating someone for this, then shouldn't he at least have a right to know?

Oliver sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I guess she didn't love me as much as I thought she did. We broke up right before school started, and I didn't know how to react. She didn't get like this when she dated Harry, and I don't know why she would hit you with a broom.”

“It wasn't on purpose.”

But Percy could feel how ridiculous the words sounded on his mouth. There's no way a broom is perfectly angled at the back of his head.

“I dated the girl and even I admit that something like that was on purpose.” Oliver pushed Percy's shoulders back so they were sitting in front of each other, knees touching.

“Why did you date her?” Percy knew it was a sudden and weird question, but he was curious. “I mean, you guys kind of act like strangers now.”

Oliver chuckled. “That's what happens when you break up with someone. No, um, I can pretty much confirm that the only reason we dated is because of our location. She's a half blood, and we live like, ten minutes away. We were forced to hang out all the time, and that just made us closer. We didn't date until one year, we went on this ski trip that the muggle city recreation organized. I snuck into her room and one thing led to another and yeah.”

There was only one thing that Percy paid attention to. He wrinkled his nose and said, “You snuck into her room?”

“The ski trip is literally famous to muggles because it has a reputation.” When he saw the confused look on Percy's face, he continued, “It's where everyone loses their virginity.”

“Oh.” Percy quickly understood. Boys sneak into the girls room for one reason.

Did Oliver and Cho do stuff like that? He's hardly ever kissed anybody. Yeah, there's no way he would ever survive those muggle schools when they stuff as scandalous as this.

“Damn, muggles really be like that.”

Oliver cracked a smile. “Yeah. But at least now I don't have to deal with them because I have you here.”


A/N - this is the shortest chapter so far but I actually kinda like it idk

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