Episode 16: A fish called Kine

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We go to the castle to see the D.E.J team on the side of the balcony, Escargoon was controlling a machine to hold Dedede and Jonathan on the side of the castle while they were washing the windows with Dedede saying

Dedede: boy, we sure have dirty windows

Jonathan: but we'll get them clean in no time, how's the machine going, Escargoon?

Escargoon: it's doing alright as long as I keep it under control

Waddle Doo: Escargoon

when Waddle Doo said Escargoon's name Escargoon jumped accidentally breaking the controls for the ropes holding Dedede and Jonathan to panic trying to climb the rope only to fall to the ground which caused Escargoon and Waddle Doo to flinch from the crash and they went to the ground to see two holes the shape of Dedede and Jonathan that they are in and said

Escargoon: are you guys alright?

Jonathan: we will be once we get out of here

Dedede: I don't know why you even made that contraption to hold us up to wash the windows of the castle

Escargoon: please don't go there, sire, please don't

Waddle Doo: Escargoon

Waddle Doo scared Escargoon again causing him to fall in Dedede's hole and then the three got out of the two holes saying

Escargoon: what is with you, Waddle Doo?

Waddle Doo: the Waddle Dees found this map in the moat of the castle

Dedede: a map?

Jonathan: a moat?

Escargoon: oh brother

Waddle Doo: it seems to be a treasure map

Dedede: let me see!

Dedede then snatched the map away from Waddle Doo and gave it to Escargoon to read it and said

Escargoon: It seems we have to start at the beach

Dedede: alright, to the beach!

Jonathan: scene flip!

Escargoon: what are you talking ab... AHHH!

when Jonathan held his arm out Dedede pushed it down like a lever and the scene switched to a cliff above the beach while Escargoon screamed getting pulled with the screen he's on and then fell the ground in the screen Dedede and Jonathan are in now, the two saw Escargoon just lying there until Dedede picked Escargoon up by his eye stalk and shook him awake saying

Dedede: come on Escargoon, snap out of it, where's the next place to go?

Escargoon: I'm afraid the landmarks are underwater

Jonathan: I spy with my little eye, something yellow

Dedede and Escargoon: Tiff?

they didn't know what Tiff is doing until Escargoon took out three pairs of binoculars and saw a fish pop out of the water and then the D.E.J team went down to the beach while staying hidden but they stopped behind a big rock when they saw Tuff and Kirby up ahead and then they listened in on what their saying with Tiff asking the fish a question

Tiff: who are you?

fish ???: I'm Kine, I'm glad you were able to come

Tiff: a fish that can write? that's something I've never seen before

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