Welcome Desk

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Hello there! Welcome to the Main Office of The Graphics Center! So glad you stopped by! Let me grab that jacket for you. Okay, what are you here for? What's that? Not sure? Maybe you're here to join us! Here, let me find a list of positions we have open.

Open Positions:

- Head admin

- Admins

- Temporary designers

- Full-time designers

- Temporary graphics teachers

- Full-time graphics teachers

- Temporary graphics judges

- Full-time graphics judges

- Head of social media

- Social media managers

- Temporary bio creators

- Bio creators

- Temporary bio & account raters

- Bio & account raters

- Interviewers

- Temporary writers

- Full-time writers

- Temporary editors

- Full-time editors

- Human resources team managers

To join, put in a request at the "Join!" center.

Wait, so you're not looking to join? Well come here, let me give you a list of the offices here. Let me know where you want to go and I'll give you the directions. Let me warn you, it's very easy to get lost in here.

List of Offices:

- Join Requests

- Affiliation Requests

- Questions

- Founder's Office: Josephine

- Head Admin's Office:

- Admin's Office:

- Admin's Office:

- Admin's Office:

- Head of Social Media's Office:

- Graphic School Principal's Office:

- Graphic Designer's Office:

- Graphic Teacher's Office:

- Graphic Judge's Office:

- Social Media Manager's Office:

- Interviewer's Office:

- Writer's Office:

- Editor's Office:

- Bio Creator's Office:

- Bio & Account Rater's Office:

- General Meeting Room

- Social Media Managers Meeting Room

- Graphics Designer's Meeting Room

- Graphics Teacher's Meeting Room

- Graphics Judge's Meeting Room

- Interviewer's Meeting Room

- Writers Meeting room

- Editor's Meeting Room

- Bio Creator's Meeting Room

- Bio & Account Raters Meeting Room

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